Dragon Racing

439 13 1

3rd Person POV

Waves crash onto the island of Berk as the sun shines down. 

Hiccup voice over, Y/n voice over, Both voice over

This...Is Berk. The best kept secret this side of, well, anywhere. 

A platform built for dragons shines a vibrant green as seagulls rest on it. 

Granted, it may not look like much. But this wet heap of rock packs more than a few surprises. 

The village is empty and a shadow swoops by as sheep shiver and bleat in fear as they look up to the skies anxiously. Another shadow passes by and they move together to another hiding spot.

Life here is amazing. Just... Not for the faint of heart. You see... Where most folks enjoy hobbies like whittling or needlepoint, we Berkians prefer a little something we like to call-

 One sheep is revealed to have painted targets on either side and is pushed out into the open, leading it to get snatched up.


It's revealed that it is the Dragon Riders flying around Berk and swoop pass a crowd of people, cheering in stands to watch them race. The sheep is in Meatlug's claws who pants happily and Fishlegs looks around with a grin and face paint decorates his face, he lets out a rattling cheer. He cries out as he is slammed by a Hookfang as Snotlout snatches the sheep.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Fishlegs. Did you want that?" Snotlout laughs, mockingly 

Fishlegs grunts in irritation and moves out of the way as Snotlout suddenly flies back. 

"Augh! Snotlout! That was mine!" Fishlegs shouted in irritation.  

Snotlout, not listening to Fishlegs, flies next to Barf and Belch. 

"Here you go, babe." Snotlout said as he tosses the sheep to Ruffnut as he winks at her. 

"Did I tell you that you look amazing today? 'Cause you do." Snotlout stated flirtatiously and Ruffnut just groans out of disgust.  

"Come on, Barf. It's starting to stink around here." Ruffnut stated to Barf. 

"Nope, still hates you." Tuffnut stated to Snotlout with a grin. 

"Let's blow this place, Belch!" Tuffnut exclaimed as he face turned sinister.  

Snotlout's cries out as Belch sparks the gas causing a small explosion stunning Hookfang.

Ruffnut tosses the sheep in a net with many other sheep, earning her and Tuffnut a point.

Stoick watches and lets out a hearty laugh as he watches from his own platform and sits in a chair. 

"That's nine for the twins! Astrid lags with three, Fishlegs and Snotlout trail with none, and Hiccup and Y/n are..." Stoick said as he trialed off, noticing his children weren't there.  

"No where to be found." Stoick finished as he sits back down with a heavy sigh. 

"Scared Hiccup off with the big talk, didn't you? And I bet he dragged (Y/N) with him. I know Y/n is going to make a great chieftess and I don't doubt Hiccup will be a great chief, but he has a free spirit, that one." Gobber stated as Stoick sighs again and nods.

Snotlout continues to fly on Hookfang until he gets hit on the head by Astrid. 

"What are you doing? They're gonna win now!" Astrid shouted at Snotlout. 

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