Pokemon The Utold Story Ep 10-13

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Episode 10
(Austin suddenly wakes up in a cold sweat)


Joy: Austin are you alright?!

Austin:  yeah I'm fine, but I had this weird dream last night but......... I can't remember anything from it.

Joy: well get dressed, everyone is waiting for you at the breakfast table.
(Austin gets dressed and walks to the table)

Everyone: Good morning Austin!

Austin: Good morning

Genzo: well Austin, what do you wanna do today?

Austin: Well first I was thinking about training my guys a bit more, then heading to the next gym.

Genzo: Ok, it seems like a plan.

Angelica: So Genzo, what are you gonna do today.

Genzo: I'm doing a sting operation with Joy.

(Everyone in the room goes quiet)

Austin and Angelica: WHAT!?

Genzo: what? I thought you guys knew what i was about.

Angelica: What made you think that?

Genzo: Well you know..... Its me

Austin: HA HA HA HA HA wait, your name holds that much weight?

Genzo: I should think so.

(everyone starts laughing)

Genzo: ok ok settle down, so are we all good for today?

Everyone: YEP!!

Genzo: perfect, then let's go.

(the gang splits off in different directions)

(Austin and Angelica start walking)

Austin: So angelica, where are we headed?

Angelica: Tell you what Austin, if you guess what city we have to go to, i will cook today instead of you.

Austin: wait? When was it my turn to cook?

Angelica: Austin............just guess the city.

Austin: um ok uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Los angeles?

Angelica: ................HU?! WHAT KIND OF A GUESS IS THAT?! It's Shalour City! We had a school trip there!

Austin: Oh yeah. When the water went up and down depending on the tide? That was cool.

Angelica: Austin, I swear that the only time you wanna remember stuff if its about, battling and how to become the best.

Austin: no, I know stuff besides that. Genzo has anger issues, Joy doesnt ball, she hoopes, your favorite color is scarlett cuz you think the color red is overrated, then i said they both looked the same, then-

Angelica: Austin! Stop talking.

Austin: see told you, I know stuff.

(we cut to Genzo and Joy)

Genzo: So Joy, are you ready for this?

Joy: .......hey dad

Genzo: yeah?

Joy: Im I a burden to you

(Genzo, starts coughing profusely)

Genzo: Joy? What ever made you think that?

Joy: Well, I knew you told me that, I was taken from my family to become a team rocket. And then later you saved me, and we have had some good times together, but sometimes you yell and tell me what to do, and how to do it. So I've been thinking, am I a burden to you?
(Genzo looks up at Joy and gives her a hug.)

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