Faithfull meeting

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Soon the area fell into complete silence.

The intense blinding glow unleash from the conjured magic circle by Phantasma, then slowly started dying back down until there was no more of a bright and intense lighting.

The only active light sources now was from the red orb that was once the former consciousness of Ddraig, and the park lights now paving the pathway in the night for people to see.

Phantasma came over to Velgrynd guiding the red orb that was once the red dragon Emperor to her. Velgrynd look at her as she knew what she had in mind for doing this.

Velgrynd: "I graciously accept this, to help remove the future obstacles that may try and hinder us later on."

Phantasma: "We must be prepared for what lies ahead."

Velgrynd grabbed the red floating orb and started to draw on its power into her own being.

Velgrynd: "I see now why you look at me when you saw that boy. This power is very similar in nature to my own."

Velzard: "That just how she is. She can easily tell about these type of things and use it the best way possible."

Soon Velgrynd had completely absorbed the powers of the Red Dragon emperor turning it into her own without much difficulty due to her being a dragon as well.

Tiamat: "How are you feeling?"

Velgrynd: "I feel wild. This power has some incredible potential."

Velzard: "Now that you have what you were after. How do we handle the boy's body."

Phantasma: "We leave it. If this world is similar to our master's world like we saw through his memories before. The 'authorities' will handle the disposal and informing the family of this grave unfortunate accident."

The three dragon ladies all nodded their head in approval of just leaving this mess here for someone else to deal with.

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In the early morning, the next day.

That morning a jogger going through the park found the boy's body left there in its gruesome murder scene from the previous day. Local authorities quickly responded to sorting out the mess.

The boy was discovered to be a high schooler by the name of Issei Hyoudou. A third year high school student at the Kouh Academy institution.

Nothing else was mentioned due to the shocking facts they later discovered about him from the facts revolving around the matters regarding his school life and social life.

That information did not give any justification for possible motivations as to why someone would set out to do this to him.

Local Police much later came to the conclusion that he was just the unfortunate victim, that happened to be in the wrong place at the worst possible timing with a serial killer.

This later became another file in a series of cold cases in the world that could not define the who perpetrator was or their motivational reasons to do such things.

Only the actual assailants that committed such a crime would ever much know the reason for why they would go to such lengths for this type of ordeal.

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Later that same say

Phantasma was strolling around the town investigating sights and different traces of aura seen lingering around this place, while not making herself approaching any as she wasn't sure which were friend or foe.

Soon enough she came into a view to the only church apparently in this town. It was representing one of the western world's style of religion: Christianity.

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