The Result of the game was within expectations.
Riser was the Winner of this Rating game match.
Rias and her servants fought valiantly until the end. Her smaller forces knocked riser's piece's off the board faster then Riser could with his apparent larger force. Asia did prove to be useful when Rias to decide to fight Riser head on in the final moments of the rating game.
Even though she lost due to depleting too much of her demonic power because she couldn't destroy Riser fast enough to keep up ahead of his regeneration due to his family's so called "immortality".
It really was a big hinderance for Rias until the very end.
After the match was declared to go to lord Riser, this match was seemingly a bit scaled in Riser's favor from the beginning. During when it seem like Akeno was about to finish off Riser's [Queen]. They pulled out something that there family produces called a 'Phoenix Tear'.
Phantasma was a bit surprised by how effective it's healing properties was according to her analysis. It was comparable to a few healing properties back in her original world although these ways were only available to some certain individuals and monsters.
◇ ◇ ◇
Phantasma was currently back at the hotel lying in bed thinking over the Rating game she was allowed to witness.
Rias Gremory had lost and as agreed was to marry Riser immediately. Phantasma was still guaranteed help as contracted in the mutual partnership with the house of Gremory of course. This whole ordeal with the marriage was something between the two Devil households for while before her arrival into this world.
It was something neither she nor any of the others getting involved in because i was a internal affair. This definitely was something important for devils because they valued purebloods more then anything to recover from the last war and because pureblood devils had low birth rates.
"Taking these facts into account, on top of this being a personal matter all results in us to better stay out of it."
Phantasma muttered.
Silence followed for a few moments.
Then a few silhouettes emerged as they rose up from the shadows.
"Is this really your conclusion as the leader of this group." Velgrynd asked.
She seemed the most bothered by this predicament and the outcome that followed.
"I or better yet We shouldn't get involved in matters that did not concern us. This was a family dispute about keeping to long standing traditions."
Phantasma argued back emotionlessly like a machine while lying on the bed still facing the ceiling.
"What my sister says is right. Urie-. I mean Phan, do you think that he, that our master would really do something like follow such a reason just because it was the most 'logical one'. He saved us before in our situations because it was something that went against the 'logical one' that most others would have chosen."
Phantasma, surprised by that reminder. Sat up from the bed and look at the 4 of them standing in the shadows. These 4 were originally certified boss monsters that when killed would drop as an item incorporating their existence rewritten to serve as a special reward item to the one deemed as the one who contributed the most by special administrators.
Some of these 'Special reward items' would be lucky enough to keep their consciousness to help guide their new owner or to be a reliable companion. It was all determine based on what the person labeled as the winner needed, their current build, and what was considered the best possible helpful way.

The Great Demon's Desire
FantasyAt Long last freed from what seemed like an eternity of an imprisonment. Running an artificially engineered system for the goals of others always watching, planning, and manipulating all for the sake of one goal freedom no matter the cost. It was al...