Chapter 9

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My dream job

Chapter 9

"I'm glad, because I'm not done with you yet." She kissed me again just like she did last year in her house.

Breaking the kiss, she looked into my eyes. "I want you to wear a strap-on for me,".

I hesitated for a moment since I had never done that before, unsure if I was ready for that. But then I thought about how much I wanted to please my VIP and nodded my agreement.

She smiled at me, her hand reaching down to stroke my cast.

"Good girl, now, let's get you ready."

She helped me stand up, and I balanced on my good leg, my crutches forgotten. She reached for the strap-on, attaching it to my hips. I could feel the weight of it between my legs, and I wondered how it would feel to be inside her.

She positioned her aching broken leg on a pillow. She looked up at me, her eyes filled with pure sexual desire. "I'm ready for you," she said.

I stood over her, lifted my broken leg and placed my cast on her shoulder as I slowly entered her with the strap-on. She moaned in pleasure, her body trembling beneath me, her lips on my exposed toes, licking, biting them.

"Yes, just like that," she said, her hands reaching up to caress my breasts.

I began to move, sliding in and out of her with a slow, steady rhythm, balancing on my one leg. She matched my pace, her hips rising to meet mine.

"Harder please,"

I increased my pace, my hips slamming into hers. She cried out in pleasure, her body shaking with each thrust. My good ankle is dangerously shaking on top of my high heel pump.

"Yes, yes, yes," she said, her fingers digging into my hips, her lips licking my hard nipples.

I could feel her getting close to the edge, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps. I reached down, touching her clitories as I continued to literally fuck her.

"Oh, god," she said, her body trembling beneath me.

With one final thrust, I sent her over the edge. She cried out, her body convulsing with pleasure. Panting I pulled out of her, collapsing beside her.

"That was incredible,"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said, smiling at her.

"I did," she said, her hand reaching out to touch my cast. "I think we should do it again before your leg heals."

"I'd like that," I said, leaning in to kiss her, happy I didn't break my ankle or leg.

The next morning, I found myself sitting in the luxurious lounge of the cruise ship, my mind still reeling from the previous night's incredible sensual and sexual experience with "A". The memories of new exploration lingered, leaving me with a sense of satisfaction. But today was my day off, a time to relax and let go of all expectations.

I decided to dress in something both comfortable and effortlessly chic, a white, off-the-shoulder sundress that draped elegantly along my long black cast. The soft, lightweight fabric gently swayed with each movement on my crutches, its hem brushing just above my knees. If that wasn't enough, my dress featured a slit on the side, perfectly showcasing my full leg cast while allowing the breeze to kiss my skin as I moved.

To complete the look, I slipped on a pair of stylish sunglasses and let my hair fall in loose waves around my shoulders.

With my crutches firmly in hand, I made my way to the top deck. The morning sun was warm but not yet scorching, casting a golden glow over the ship. As I walked, my steps were carefully balanced as I navigated the pathways with my crutches. Despite the challenge of moving with a cast, I now felt confident and poised, the rhythmic click of my crutches against the deck becoming almost meditative.

Upon reaching the top deck, I found a quiet spot by the railing, where the sea stretched endlessly before me, a shimmering expanse of blue. I carefully lowered myself onto a lounge chair, arranging my cast so that it rested comfortably on the cushion. The sun warmed my skin and exposed toes as I leaned back, closing my eyes and letting the gentle rocking of the ship soothe me into a state of relaxation.

It wasn't long before I heard footsteps approaching, followed by a friendly voice. "Excuse me, mind if I join you in your corner of privacy and paradise?"

I opened my eyes to see a stylish man in his mid-fifties, with a friendly smile and an air of casual curiosity. He gestured to the lounge chair beside me, and I nodded with a polite smile.

"Of course, please do," I replied, shifting my broken leg slightly.

As he settled in, he glanced down at my leg cast with evident interest. "I couldn't help but notice your cast. If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Must be quite an experience being on a cruise with a broken leg."

I chuckled softly, adjusting my sunglasses as I looked out at the horizon. "It's definitely been an adventure. But I've been making the best of it," I said, keeping my tone light and friendly.

The man nodded thoughtfully. "I can imagine. I've always wondered how people manage on trips like this when something unexpected happens. It must change the whole dynamic of your vacation."

"It does, but not necessarily in a bad way," I replied, glancing at him with a hint of a smile. "It forces me to slow down, to appreciate things I might otherwise overlook. The view from the deck, the sound of the waves... there's a certain peace in being unable to run all the time."

He seemed intrigued by my perspective, leaning back in his chair as he studied me. "You have a great attitude about it. I don't think I'd handle it as well."

"You'd be surprised what you can adapt to. Besides, the staff on this ship have been wonderful, very accommodating and kind."

He nodded, still unaware that I was part of the cruise ship's VIP experience. "Well, that's good to hear. It's nice to know they take care of their guests so well. But if you ever need anything or some company, I'd be happy to assist."

"Thank you, that's very kind," I responded warmly, touched by his offer. "I might just take you up on that."

As we continued to chat, I found myself enjoying the conversation, appreciating the simple pleasure of connecting with someone new. The sun climbed higher in the sky, casting a bright, inviting light over the deck, and for a moment, I forgot about the cast on my leg, the VIP's. Instead, I focused on the easy conversation, the warmth of the day, and the possibilities that still lay ahead on this cruise.

"I just realized, I haven't introduced myself properly," he said, offering his hand. "I'm David. David Moore."

I returned the handshake, his grip firm but not overwhelming. "Nice to meet you, David. I'm Alyssa."

"Alyssa," he repeated, as if trying out the name. "It suits you. So, are you here on vacation or...?"

I hesitated for a moment, deciding how much to reveal. After all, it was my day off, and I didn't want to dive into work mode just yet.

"Let's just say I'm here to enjoy the cruise," I replied with a playful smile, leaving the details intentionally vague.

David nodded, accepting my answer without pressing for more. "Fair enough. I'm here on a bit of a break myself. Needed to get away from the daily grind, you know?"

"I can definitely relate to that," I said, leaning back in my chair and feeling the sun's warmth on my skin. "Sometimes you just need a change of scenery to recharge."

He looked down at my cast again, this time with a more thoughtful expression. "I'm curious, Alyssa... What happened? How did you end up with that cast? If you don't mind sharing, of course."

I glanced down at the black cast that stretched from my toes to mid-thigh, the memory of the accident still fresh in my mind. "It was a pretty unfortunate mishap," I began, carefully choosing my words. "I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up with a broken leg. But I'm trying to make the best of it."

David nodded sympathetically. "That must have been tough. But I have to say, you're handling it with a lot of grace and beauty."

"Thank you," I replied, genuinely appreciating his kind words. "It's been an adjustment, but I've learned to adapt. Plus, the staff and the VI... the staff here have been amazing. They've really helped me feel comfortable."

"That's great to hear," he said, smiling. "You seem like someone who doesn't let a little thing like a... broken leg slow you down."

My dream job
Chapter 10

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