Kidnapped and for What? (Han x Seungmin)

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Seungmin leaned his head on the window of the bus, while on his ride to work. It was the same path as always, passing by the same boring lifeless buildings and streets. There had been a time when the city felt new and exciting, but that seemed like ages ago to Seungmin. For the moment he continued on the same path as always, working his life away.

When he first arrived in the city he had big dreams, but having to support his family and pay for his necessities left little funding for Seungmin to continue dreaming. He had been working three jobs while in University. After finishing his senior year he still had yet to get hired full time by any company. His standards kept getting lower and lower after each failed interview. He'd take just about any offer, but it seemed that he still needed to save up for better clothes to pass the interview process. It wasn't hard to notice that the people who always passed had shiny black dress shoes. Seungmin looked down at his raggedy tennis shoes with holes starting to form at the toes and let out a sigh.

Out of his three jobs, the one he was on the bus for was definitely the most boring. However, that was part of the reason why Seungmin chose it in the first place. Working late at a convenience store meant less customers to deal with, while getting more free time. He originally got the job to have time for studying while still working, but after graduation he switched his free time to job searching instead.

The bus made the familiar turn that snapped Seungmin from his thoughts. He pressed the button next to his seat, letting the driver know to stop at the next station. His other jobs included waitressing and house cleaning. Both were more interesting than the convenience store, because he had a goal to do and less down time. The bus's breaks let out a shrill squeak as it came to a stop.

Getting off the bus, Seungmin looked up at the night sky. He remembered dreaming about photographing its beauty. It was definitely a challenge with the cheap camera he owned back home, but the stars were also more vibrant there than the ones above him in the city. The bus let out a hiss as it began to move again and Seungmin agreed that he should do the same as he started walking towards his job.

Seungmin tended to listen to music on his journey, but his earbuds had been murdered after his recent laundry expedition. The loss was definitely taking effect on his far too quiet walk. He couldn't help but speed up as he approached the second to last corner he needed to round.

There was a group of guys waiting around the corner. Seungmin's body pulled back out of reflex. They didn't look like the most friendly type either, face tattoos and all. Still, Seungmin had places to be, so he continued moving forward.

A hand grabbed Seungmin's elbow causing him to halt. "Is there a problem?" Seungmin raised an eyebrow to the intruder of his personal space. Quickly scanning the group for any familiar faces, he couldn't place a single name. He was having a hard time figuring out what their deal was. Blank faces stared back at him. Seungmin rolled his eyes, if they wanted a fight they picked the wrong person. He was far too tired to care about anything they had in mind.

He attempted to shrug off the hold on his arm, but the other guy didn't budge. Apparently the action had woken the rest of the guys from their bewilderment as snickering came from different members. They all put on grins with varying amounts of menace. Seungmin drew back, but the arm kept him in place. He inhaled to scream, but a cloth blocked any fresh air from getting through. His eyes rolled back as his body went limp, passing out on the spot.


Waking up, Seungmin didn't know quite what he expected, but being tied to a chair wasn't on the list. It was a classic move he'd seen in plenty of movies, but normally the people tied up would have some idea of what was going on. However, Seungmin could only sit around and wait for a semblance of an explanation.

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