Alphas in Love (Chan X Changbin)

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"How long has Changbin been in the bathroom?" Chan thought as the Omega in front of him kept talking. He didn't think a club with such blaring music could be so boring, without his boyfriend around. Chan gave her a polite smile wanting her to take the hint that he wasn't interested. When suddenly she put her hand on his forearm. Chan knew then, he had to quickly nip this in the bud.

He abruptly pulled his arm away. "Listen I've been-"

She giggled. "No need to give me all that. I can tell just by your scent that you're a strong Alpha, and I've got plenty of experience with strong Alphas." She leaned in closer to whisper in Chan's ear. "Trust me when I say I can give you a night you'll never forget." Chan pursed his lips out of frustration as he rolled his eyes. The Omega didn't see the action, as she only started to pull away from his ear once Chan was thoroughly pissed off.

"What do you think?" She asked, biting her lip as she looked him up and down.

"I'm flattered, but I don't-" Chan was cut off once again by the Omega.

"You don't mean that." She spoke as she placed her hand on Chan's shoulder. That was when Chan saw a figure from the corner of his eye. It moved directly in between him and the girl causing the girl to retract her hand back to her own side. One sniff, and he knew his boyfriend had come to his rescue.

Changbin cleared his throat. "I'm pretty sure he does."

She sighed. "I wasn't talking to you." Changbin crossed his arms. The girl got a whiff of the strong Alpha pheromones coming off Changbin. "Unless you want a shot at me too?" She tilted her head while batting her eyes.

Changbin's disgust clearly showed on his face. "My god are you desperate." He grabbed Chan's hand. "Sorry, but you'll have to look somewhere else." Changbin added snarky before storming off dragging Chan close behind him. Chan smirked as he was pulled outside the club.

Irritating thoughts bombarded Changbin's head before he turned down the alley next to the cub. They stayed towards the entrance of the alley as he lightly pressed Chan against the wall. He backed up, standing arms crossed and pouting in front of his boyfriend.

Chan chuckled at the sight. "What do you want me to do, apologize?" Chan leaned closer to Changbin. "If I remember correctly she also flirted with you." He grinned letting out a small laugh that tickled Changbin's ear. He often enjoyed his battle for dominance with Changbin. After all, you don't get into an Alpha x Alpha relationship without expecting some fight for dominance. Neither one truly minded if the other wanted to dominate. They often switched around to balance each other out. If one wanted more, the other would give in, and vice versa.

Changbin looked to the side, huffing out. "She had her hands all over you."

"I didn't do anything." Defend Chan.

"I know, I just wish you weren't so nice sometimes." Every so often Changbin found it hard to date a people pleaser, especially when Chan had so many people lined up to date him and the list only grew with time. Changbin wouldn't mind it as much if those people could just understand that no means no. Instead, everyone always assumed Chan was playing a game with them wanting to be chased or something. It was Chan who had done the chasing in the beginning of their relationship though.

"Thank you for saving me." Chan was honestly thankful. He scanned Changbin noticing something was off. "Is there another problem you wanna talk about?"

"You could have anyone." Changbin glanced down. "What makes you want me?" Chan held his boyfriend's chin between his pointer finger and thumb, making Changbin turn his head towards him.

"Hey, you are different from everyone else, you are so much better." Chan put his nose on Changbin's scent gland. "Your scent alone is enough to drive me wild." A small smile crept on Changbin's face at the compliment. "And your smile is truly one in a million." Chan leaned in and pecked his lips. "You taste exquisite." Chan licked his lips. "Sometimes I wish the rest of the world would disappear so I could just fuck you twenty four seven."

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