Would You Like Some Special K?, Chapter Two

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We were standing in the middle of a room with green walls and white carpting. In the corner was a bed, and next to it was a dresser for what I used to wear when I was Arthur Kirkland. Around the room were various things, consisting of robots and books.

"That's you..?" America asked, and pointed at the figure in the bed.

I nodded yes. I walked over and tried to move the blankets, but couldn't. My hand would just slip through them. I was only supervising my last day with America, we couldn't imprint anything. We could only watch.

The old me, Arthur, shifted from inside the covers and yawned. I saw America smile from the corner of my eye, and I walked over to stand next to him. Arthur sat up and rubbed his eyes, he had a terrible bedhead. I chuckled and America held my hand. My face heated up, but I held it back.

Arthur got up, he was in a gray shirt and striped pyjama pants. He tiredly walked to the dresser and got out a flannel and some kackeys. As he started taking off his shirt, I turned America around quickly. He laughed.

"Aw," He cooed, "Iggy. You were so cute~ Well, you still are, but you know what I mean."

"Shut up, f-fatass.."

He looked hurt for a moment, but then it was gone. I ignored what I thought I saw. I peeked at Arthur and he was in his clothes for the day, so I let America look again.

"I was only twenty, three years younger than my physical age now."

He looked at me sympathetically, then squeezed my hand. I blushed. We watched Arthur walk in front of the mirror and attempt to fix his hair. His thoughts rang out loud.

"Today, I want to look nice.. I want to go to the big reunion party and be recognized. Maybe kiss a girl? Or a boy--." America chuckled quietly. "Whatever works.. I want to be noticed. I want to be someone."

"Aw," America said, "You were so desperate."

He hugged me and I pushed him away, "Quit it!!"

He laughed. Arthur smiled in the mirror and left the room. We followed. He went to the bathroom and shut the door before we could slip in. He was probably wizzing anyway, I didn't remember anything about this day except the party.

America and I made small talk until Arthur came back out again, looking refreshed and refined. I supposed that he also brushed his teeth and hair in there. He went down the stairs (and you guessed it, we did too) and got himself a bowl of bland old cereal. How boring.

We sat there watching him eat his cereal in silence for a half an hour. Once he put away his dishes, he called a friend. They talked for other boring half an hour. Then, he got out of the house and drove to work. He was there for another boring ten hours, and when he got back, America was complaining. He spent the hours conversing with me, but he didn't seem to be satisfied.

"You lived your whole life like this?"

"No, about two years of it."

"Ahhhhhg how did you handle that? I get why you died, of boredom, uhg."

"Okay, fine, it was a little boring, but I was getting my life together."

"Your life sucked balls," He mumbled.

I couldn't hold back a laugh, "I suppose so, but it was my life."

He shrugged then paused. "Did you just laugh? You never do that with me."

I stared at him. Huh, so I did. I looked at Arthur, who was packing a few things for his party in an hour. He layed across the couch and started to play a game on his phone. America and I gave each other strange looks. Me? Playing games? I don't remember this... I was a very different man, I suppose...

After watching myself play "Bubble Pop" for forty five minutes, Arthur got up and left out the door. We followed him to a large house with a pool in the backyard. It all came back to me. My old self knocked on the door, and was let in. He had one or two "drinks."

"Is that actually alcohol? I know you can't handle it now," America said.

"No, it was water in shot glasses. I wanted to look cool."

"Aw," He said.

Arthur was having small talk with a woman named Lindsey who had larger boobs than natural when a man in a jean jacket asked him if he wanted some "Special K." Arthur tilted his head in confusion, but nodded yes. He was led into another room where America and I could see people taking drugs.

"Are they taking cocaine??" America asked as his jaw dropped.

"No, it's Ketamine. A painkiller kind of thing, and it's a downer." I said quietly.

The man chopped some powder off the block and evenly spaced it along Arthur's hand. He was pale. He looked at the man, then back at his hand. He sighed.

"This will make me popular..."

He snorted it and America flinched. He held my hand tightly. I squeezed it back.

Arthur started to look dizzy after around ten minutes, so the man said he'd get him some water. He walked out the door, and Arthur held his ears. The music was pounding in his head. He stumbled a bit and and asked for a chair. Before anyone could move, he collapsed. He wasn't experienced with ketamine, and he took a large amount of it. He didn't know that it could kill him, it was only his first time.

A few people ran over to help him up, but he started to shake. It was just violent shaking for a few minutes before everything stopped. The shaking stopped. The pounding stopped. The world seemed to stop... His heart stopped.

I looked down at my feet as everyone surrounded Arthur. America was holding my hand very tightly. People were shaking him and trying to wake him up; Lindsey felt his wrist. She said she didn't feel a pulse.

With a flash of blinding light, America and I were being whisked away from my nightmare of a death.

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