Ch 3: The Start to an Unwanted Relationship

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My head felt foggy as I sat in one of the toilet stalls. I pressed paper towels to my wound and waited for it to stop bleeding. After the day I had, I'd be needing a blood transfusion soon.

As it turned out, my wound hadn't been reopened like I first believed. The puncture wounds from the demon fangs had been healed to nothing more than red spots thanks to holy water and my ability to heal quickly. Isaiah had made a completely new wound, a cut the size of my hand, that ran along my arm.

What did that guy wear around his neck that could slice open my arm? Even I wasn't stupid enough to wear my throwing knife necklace to school. I went through the possibilities in my head. Shark tooth necklace? Porcupine quills? A sea urchin? There were a lot of things that it could be, and I didn't put anything past him.

I was too impatient to wait for my arm to stop bleeding entirely, so once it was done gushing blood, I left the stall to wrap it up again. My original bandage was unusable after I'd bled through it, so I was forced to wrap my arm in paper towels to protect the cut.

It made my arm nearly twice its original size, but I had no other choice. My sleeve would hold the paper towels in place and hide them well enough that too much attention wouldn't be brought to it. I walked out of the restroom to go back to the cafeteria.

But I almost ran into him again.

Isaiah managed to jump out of the way this time. "Good to see you're still alive. I thought you died in there with how long you took. Are you alright?"

I narrowed my eyes at him. "I'm fine."

Isaiah tipped his head, studying me with narrowed, disbelieving eyes. "What's wrong with your arm then?" he asked pointing to my injured limb. "It's disproportionately bigger than your other one."

I tucked my arm away from view. "It's nothing, don't worry about it." Not wanting to continue the conversation, I immediately started down the hallway and away from him.

He closed the distance between us quickly and started walking alongside me. "Are you sure?"

"Would you back off?" I snapped.

"Trying Ezekiel's line are you?" Isaiah laughed.

"We're obviously both on the same page, you're annoying as hell. Maybe if you stopped messing with me and flirting with Mary, we'd both be better off."

"I never flirted with Mary, Ezekiel's misunderstanding my intention," Isaiah said with a smug little grin. It was as if he thought it funny that I was trying to understand him but failing miserably.

"It still makes you look pathetic."

"I don't care how it looks. But I do care whether or not you die because of me. I think you should see the nurse."

"No, I told you, I'm fine," I nearly shouted, panic creeping into my voice. The last thing I wanted was for Mo to get freaked out over my injury.

"Then I'll just go ahead and tell them that there's this girl walking around with a potentially life-threatening injury, and we'll see how that goes," he said. He turned around and started walking in the opposite direction down the hall, towards the nurse's office.

"You don't even know my name," I called to him.

"Don't have to. You're one of three girls in this school with red hair. I'm sure that'll narrow it down considerably," he said.

He continued walking, my fear escalating the further away he got. At this point, I had no choice. "Fine, I'll go," I grumbled bitterly, forcing myself to go down the hall with him. He flashed a smile. It was one the girls always melted over, but I saw as incredibly fake.

We walked down to the nurse's office, a small room squeezed beside the school office. On the door was a poster of children washing their hands and tips on how not to spread germs. I opened the door and stepped in.

The room was blindingly white with a sterile, plastic smell. In the corner was a vomit green hospital bed with a paper cover. Crammed into the leftover space were cabinets marked with identification cards and a desk where Mo sat. She was going over files on her ancient computer, but she turned around when I opened the door.

Mo was always skinny, and with the mouse-like portions she ate, it was no surprise. She had the look of someone who could snap if you applied enough force. Her wispy hair, dyed the color of the coffee she was brewing on her desk, was fastened back in a braid.

"Leah?" Mo asked when she saw me, looking confused by my appearance in the nurse's office. I couldn't blame her. I tried to avoid coming down here at all costs, as I didn't want her babying me over sickness or injury.

Isaiah popped in right after me, that smug smile back on his face. "Leah? So that's your name?" I could have beat his face in at that moment.

I struggled to ignore him as I pulled up my sleeve, revealing my makeshift bandage wrap. "I cut my arm, and I think it needs bandaged properly."

Mo's face paled and she frowned. "Okay, just sit here, and I'll fix you up." She patted the bed for me to sit on. I did I was told and pulled off the paper towels. Isaiah cursed under his breath when he saw the cut. It surprised me because I thought it looked better than it previously did, since the bleeding had finally stopped.

Mo studied my arm. "That's not that bad," she said, the relief clear in her voice. I felt myself relax as well. "How did this happen?"

I motioned my head to Isaiah. "Ask that guy."

"I believe she ran into this," Isaiah explained, pulling out a necklace from beneath his shirt. It was a small cross with pointed edges. Maybe enough to poke me, but certainly not enough to cut.

Mo seemed to find his explanation fine, however, as she didn't ask any more questions. She walked over to her cabinet of medical supplies and pulled out some disinfectant and bandages. Within a minute, I was fixed up.

Mo wrote us both out passes for class, since lunch had ended a while ago. "Thanks Mo, I'll see you later."

Isaiah followed me out the door, his face masked with an unknown emotion. I hoped he would stay silent on the way to class. That didn't happen.

"Why do you call her Mo?"

"It doesn't matter to you," I said stiffly. "You got what you wanted, my arm is fixed. Can we just forget this entire thing happened?"

Isaiah chuckled under his breath. "We'll see."

I was about to tell him off for not agreeing with my proposition when he turned down a different hallway.

"I'll see you later then, Leah," he called over his shoulder. Great, once he figured out my name, it was going to be a lot more difficult to fade into the crowd. I wasn't going to enjoy this.

Thanks for reading! I feel this chapter didn't flow as well as I wanted, so I may revise it later on. Please vote if you liked this chapter, and leave a comment telling me what you think!

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