Chapter 4

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Julian's pov

Jacis been acting different since he passed and I know that things will never be the same again. When she first moved here, we were all just a couple of his friends to her. But to me she was angelic. I'd never seen anyone like her let alone met anyone like her. If she told her parents she was heading out she'd say it was just her and a couple of his friends. And when we went to the movies it was just her and a friend of his.

I always hoped that one day I'd be her friend or even her boyfriend. I always wanted to be the one she loved, wanted.

I was mesmerized every time I saw her and so was everyone. She had a way of making boys just fall for her. She just had this charm. She was the class clown without even trying. She was a love guru. She was everything and anything.

I watch as she walks out of class I'm waiting for her by her locker.
"Hey Julian."

"Hey." I gulp before I get the guts to speak again. Her eyes are hypnotizing she continues packing her things.
"So are you busy on Saturday. I wanted to take you somewhere, show you something."

"Oh, I'm not really busy." She has this bit of sunlight in her voice. I always bring it out of her but what if after everything we've been through she only sees me as a friend or even a brother.

"Alright then. I'll come pick you up. See you around." I grab my bag as straps and tug them down before flashing her a smile that she returns.

"Lemme walk you home." I suggested. We were already by the school gate.

"Actually..." she huffed. "I..."

"I get it. The memories. They're the best and the worst part." I glance at her.

"Exactly." She slumps her head on my shoulder for a second as we're walking.

"You wanna pay him a visit." I suggested and not only for her sake.

She nodded silently.

"I know I'm gonna sound crazy but when my aunt passed anytime I visit her I used to talk to her or her tombstone." I scratched my head with an embarrassed smile on my face as I turned the other way.

"Okay let me start with this..." she starts laughing really hard for like 5 seconds.
"And it's not that odd. I do it too." She says turning away in embarrassment.

By the time we reach the cemetery the suns already setting. It's been a sunny couple of days and it's pretty uncommon for a place like Blackwood.

We talk all the way there. But once we're in we're instantly reminded of the fact that he's dead.

"Julian" Her eyes are teary as she looks at me. "I miss him, I miss him Julian, I miss him so much."

I grab her and hug her. I hold her close and her heads on my shoulder. I want to help her. Make her not cry anymore. But how can I when I'm trying so hard not to. I let her cry on my shirt. My hands are wrapped round her shoulders and hers around my waist.

I place my palms on her shoulder and stretch them out when she's calmed down. I cup her face in my palms and wipe her tears with my thumb. "We'll get through this. Together."

She nodded. And we did a quick side hug.

'Fuck. Who's that? I've never seen him around' I furrow my brow

"Sorry to interrupt." He says as he walks past.

"Hey, are you new around here?"

"I guess you can say that." He says and he keeps walking.

She looks after him and I feel a little bit protective of her.

I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I grab her bag too.

"You ready to leave?"

"Yep." She says and grabs her books.

It's already dark and we talk as we walk home. "Do you know that guy?"

"Yeah. I've seen him a couple times."

I shrug it off. We're in front of her door step. I hand her bag.

"See you around."

I wave and she waved back.

'I knew it. This has got to be trouble. I remember everything. This guy is bad news and I won't let him near her. Not even an inch.'

I bring my skateboard out of my bag and start riding while I grab my phone to call my father.

He appears right in front of me.

He stares me in the eye and says. "Forget everything you know about vampires and werewolf's and all this towns lore. It's all myth"

Everything's going black. Fuck


"Why'd I bring out my phone again?" I just shrug it off. And put it into my joggers pocket. I ride my skateboard home and go inside.

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