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"Thank you" I rubbed my hand on my face and glanced back at her as she spoke. I don't know what happened to her? Why she was looking like that tomorrow but I'm relieved that she's feeling better now. That's enough for me.

"How are you feeling now?" I asked as she nodded and gave me a little smile. Her eyes were somehow a little red. I want to know what the fuck was making her cry. But I don't want to cause her recalled anything bad she suffered from yesterday.

"I'm.. I'm fine. Thank you" I nodded before standing up. "Are you going to college tomorrow?" I asked lowly as she glanced back at me. "Yeah, Are you planning to drop me again today?" I hummed.

"Get ready, I will." I said before walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind. I can't deny the fact that I am feeling back pain a little but I don't care.

I don't know what she's trying to hide. What is bothering her so much but all I know is, she'll always have me by her side if she needs comfort. As a husband.

All I need now is a shower. I would passed out if i don't take it now. The exhaustion is fucking taking over me.

"I don't feel well while doing practical classes on human bodies but.. I managed somehow" She said while I drive. Who didn't? Cutting human bodies.. Glad, she could.

"By the way, I mean.. Don't come to pick me up from the college at evening" I glanced back at her as she spoke. Who's gonna stop me? I'll buy the question is why she said that. "What happened?"

"Nothing. I'm thinking about going to the nearby book store after college" she said. "That's fine. Wait for me infront of college gate, I'll take you there"

"No I don't -" I cuts her off. "It's my choice, Mrs. Suryawanshi" I stopped the car infront of her college gate as she let out a sigh before opening the car's door. "Fine. Bye" I nodded as she shut the door and walked into the college.

"Then, Mr. Suryawanshi, hope you'll attend this party" Mr. Singhania said with an almost fucking devilious smile, but unfortunately made my lips curled into a smirk. "I will"

This called business politics. He's inviting me because he lost the Italian deal and what I did? I fucking got it. Not everyone is Aranyak Suryawanshi. And now he's inviting me in some of his stupid party. Well I have an idea, this party is because he cracked a deal which was almost two and half months ago. But ok, I would attend it.

"That's a pleasure, I really hope you'll attend with your Wife" I glanced at him as he mentioned about my wife. About Sita. But gave him a firm nodd.

"Thank you Mr. Suryawanshi" he said with a smile before standing up from the chair and left after a handshake. I don't want to involve Sita in this dirt but as long I am with her, nothing is going to happen bad with her. I won't let anything happened.

I sighed before leaning against my chair and undone the first two buttons of my shirt. "The schedule in the night is clear, right?" Aditya nodded as I did the same. I need to reach Sita's college at 7 pm and after that as she decided, I would fucking follow her in the book store.

But something is still bothering me. What was making her trembling like that? What's the actual damn reason. It's not about she hugged me, but because something somehow causing her feel scared.

"Mr. Abte is wanting to do a conference, should we do it now?" My thoughts snapped at Aditya as he spoke while looking at his computer. "Do it" he nodded.

I stopped my car infront of her college, but this time in a little distance from the main gate. My eyes stucked on the gate until I noticed her, walking towards my car. Does she really have the energy for going to a library now?

Sita: His Unknown Desire Where stories live. Discover now