Chapter 2 - Meeting Alexandra

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The sun was setting over Monaco, casting a warm golden glow over the karting track. Camille and Charles had just finished another round of practice, their karts gliding effortlessly around the curves of the track. As they slowed to a stop, Camille pulled off her helmet, letting out a breath of satisfaction.

"Another win for me," she teased, flashing a grin at Charles as he removed his helmet.

Charles rolled his eyes but couldn't help the smile tugging at his lips. "Barely. I'm getting faster, you know."

Camille smirked, wiping the sweat from her brow. "Not fast enough."

Before Charles could retort, a young girl's voice called out from the sidelines. "Camille! Charles!"

They both turned to see a girl about two years younger than them waving excitedly. She had bright blonde hair tied back in a neat ponytail and a wide smile on her face.

"That's Alexandra Saint-Mleux," Charles said, nodding toward the girl as they made their way over to her. "She's always here with her family."

Camille remembered seeing Alexandra around the track before, usually with her parents, who were good friends with her own family. But they'd never really spoken much beyond a polite greeting.

"Hey, Alex," Camille greeted, using the nickname that she had picked up from Charles. "What brings you here today?"

Alexandra beamed, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "I came to watch you race! You're both so amazing! I want to be just like you when I grow up."

Camille blinked in surprise at the earnestness in the younger girl's voice. "You want to race?"

"Of course!" Alexandra exclaimed, her excitement palpable. "I've been watching you and Charles for years. You're both incredible! I want to learn everything."

Charles chuckled, nudging Camille with his elbow. "Looks like you've got a fan, Cami."

Camille smiled, but there was a thoughtful look in her eyes as she studied Alexandra. "You really love racing, don't you?"

Alexandra nodded eagerly, her expression turning serious. "More than anything. I watch every race, and I've been begging my parents to let me try karting, but they said I have to wait until I'm a bit older."

Camille glanced over at the track, the sound of engines still echoing in the distance. "It's not easy, you know," she said, turning back to Alexandra. "There's a lot of hard work and practice involved. It's not just about speed. You have to learn how to handle the kart, how to take the turns, how to be patient."

"I know," Alexandra said earnestly. "And I'm ready to work hard. I want to be just as good as you and Charles."

Charles grinned, leaning against the fence. "Well, you're off to a good start, Alex. It's great that you're so passionate."

Camille, feeling a tug of responsibility, knelt down to Alexandra's level. "Listen, if you're serious about this, I can help you. I can teach you some of the basics."

Alexandra's eyes widened in surprise and delight. "You'd do that? You'd teach me?"

"Of course," Camille said with a warm smile. "We all have to start somewhere, right? And if you're as determined as you say, then I think you'll do just fine."

"Oh, thank you, Camille!" Alexandra's face lit up, her excitement bubbling over. "This is going to be amazing! When can we start?"

"How about tomorrow?" Camille suggested. "We can start with some basic drills, and I'll show you how to handle the kart."

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