Chapter 36 - Love With Disaster

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Camille sat on the couch, her hand resting on her swollen belly as she watched the late afternoon sunlight streaming through the window. Her feet were slightly swollen, and although she was tired, there was a calm excitement in the air. She glanced at Carlos, who was busy flipping through a book on parenting, chuckling softly.

"You're taking this seriously," she teased, a soft smile on her lips.

Carlos looked up from the book and grinned. "I just want to be prepared for everything, Cami. We've got a lot of practice with Julie, but having a boy... it's a whole new adventure."

Camille chuckled, feeling the slight flutter of their son moving inside her. "Well, as long as you're the one changing diapers in the middle of the night, I'm all for it."

Carlos laughed, moving over to sit next to her on the couch. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, planting a kiss on her temple. "Deal."

Just as they shared the quiet moment, Camille felt a sharp twinge in her abdomen. She sucked in a breath, her hand instinctively moving to her belly. Carlos noticed her change in expression immediately.

"Cami? You okay?" His voice was filled with concern.

Camille closed her eyes, exhaling slowly as she felt the contraction pass. "I think... my water just broke."

Carlos's eyes widened in shock, then quickly turned to excitement. "It's time?!"

Camille nodded, a small smile on her face as she felt another contraction begin to build. "It looks like it."

Carlos jumped into action, grabbing the hospital bag they had packed weeks ago and helping Camille to her feet. "Alright, we've practiced for this. I'm calling your mom to come over and stay with Julie."

Camille nodded, taking deep breaths as the contractions slowly intensified. While Carlos called Pascale, Camille focused on staying calm. It wasn't her first time giving birth, but it had been a while since Julie was born, and the familiar sensation brought back a mix of nerves and excitement.

Within half an hour, they were in the car, heading toward the hospital. Carlos glanced at Camille every few seconds, his hand gripping the steering wheel tightly.

"How are you feeling?" Carlos asked, trying to mask his own nerves.

"Honestly, it's starting to hit," Camille replied, exhaling sharply as another contraction gripped her. "But I'm okay. Just... focus on getting us there, okay?"

Carlos nodded, trying to stay calm. "I'm on it. We'll be there in no time."

When they arrived at the hospital, the staff was already prepared for them. A nurse quickly helped Camille into a wheelchair, and Carlos stayed close by, his hand gently resting on her shoulder. They were taken to the delivery room, where a doctor greeted them warmly.

"How are we feeling, Camille?" the doctor asked.

"I'm ready," Camille replied with a determined smile, though her face showed the strain of the contractions.

"Let's get you settled in," the doctor said as the nurses began preparing the room.

As the hours passed, the labor intensified. Carlos was by Camille's side the entire time, holding her hand, encouraging her with every contraction. Camille breathed through the pain, focusing on the rhythm of her breathing, her eyes fixed on Carlos.

"You're doing amazing, Cami," Carlos whispered, brushing a strand of hair from her forehead.

"Thanks," Camille muttered between labored breaths. "I just... I can't wait to meet him."

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