while you were sleeping - laufey

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summary: continuation of chapter one, read chapter one before reading this one... they basically just meet up at the airport and have conversations while deku settles in otheon with rody and go on a small walk in the park.

Rody's grin grew wider as he imagined Deku's nervous energy. He could practically see Deku's restless eyes darting around the airport, looking for him. He could picture Deku's hand constantly running through his unruly hair and picking at his scars, some habits he had when he was feeling anxious and nervous. Rody found it concerning but also adorable on how Deku always worried about nothing. Rody thought of the ways he could surprise Deku when they finally met. He could imagine Deku's eyes lighting up in surprise or his nervous mutterings coming to an end. Maybe he would even stumble over his words as he struggled to express the tangled emotions he was likely feeling. Rody made a mental note to be extra patient and understanding with Deku.

Deku's heart was pounding as he scanned the crowd, searching for any sign of Rody. He felt a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through him, and he found himself struggling to keep still. Every time he spotted a tall, messy-haired figure, his heart skipped a beat, only to lurch in disappointment as he realized it wasn't Rody. He fidgeted with the strap of his backpack, trying to distract himself from the nervous energy that was making his hands tremble. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, Deku spotted Rody making his way through the crowd. Rody's eyes were fixed on him, and his pace quickened as he approached. Deku's heart skipped a beat as he saw the familiar messy hair and lopsided smile. He could hardly believe that Rody was actually here, standing a few feet away from him.

As Rody drew near, his smile widened, and he lifted a hand in a wave. "Hey, there you are," he said, his voice low and familiar. "I was starting to worry you weren't coming." Deku's mind went into a momentary spin as Rody approached him, his heart swelling with conflicting feelings of joy and anxiety. He tried to speak, but his tongue felt heavy and dry in his mouth. He struggled to form coherent words, as his brain fumbled to catch up with the realization that Rody was right in front of him. "I- uh," he stuttered, the words getting stuck in his throat. Finally, he managed to force out, "I'm here." Rody's expression softened as he noticed Deku's struggle to speak. He could see the anxiety and joy warring behind Deku's eyes, and he couldn't help but find it endearing. He took a step closer, closing the distance between them slightly. "Hey," he said, his voice low and soothing. "You don't have to be nervous; you know. It's just me."

Rody continued to move closer, until he was standing close enough that he could reach out and touch Deku if he wanted to. "Just take a deep breath," he said, his eyes fixed on Deku's face, studying his expressions and emotions. " I won't bite, I promise." Rody chuckled, amused by Deku's continued silence. He had expected Deku to be nervous, but he hadn't anticipated that he would be rendered speechless. Rody took a step closer again, bringing them almost chest to chest, close enough that Rody could feel the heat radiating off Deku's body. "You're awfully quiet, last time we met you wouldn't stop talking" he teased, a lopsided grin on his face.

Rody continued to tease Deku, enjoying the way his normally talkative boyfriend was now completely tongue-tied. He reached out and gently ruffled Deku's hair, "I've never seen you so lost for words. You're usually such a chatterbox." Rody's familiar touch and teasing words seemed to slowly melt away Deku's nervousness. The feeling of Rody's fingers running through his hair was familiar and soothing. The teasing brought a flicker of irritation, and that helped ground him. The familiar pattern gave him a sense of control and allowed him to respond. "I'm not a chatterbox," he retorted, trying to keep his voice steady. "I'm just... surprised, that's all." Rody smiled at the familiar, indignant tone in Deku's voice. It was a sound he hadn't realized how much he had missed until now. He withdrew his hand from Deku's hair and instead, reached out to take hold of both his hands, tracing his scars with his finger. "Not a chatterbox, huh?" he replied, his tone laced with amusement. "How easily you forget those long, rambling messages you send me at two in the morning."

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