cool waves - spiritualized

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Rody's blush deepened under Deku's amused gaze, and he sputtered incoherently for a moment before managing to regain his composure. "You're... unbelievable," he muttered, trying and failing to sound annoyed. Deku grinned wider at Rody's flustered reaction, clearly entertained by the effect he had on him. He took a step closer, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Unbelievable in a good way, I presume?" "Shut up," Rody muttered, his voice lacking any true irritation as he tried to regain his composure. The heat in his cheeks had by now reached the tips of his ears, a clear sign of his embarrassed yet elated state. Deku couldn't help but chuckle at Rody's half-hearted protest. The sight of the blushing, sputtering boy was too endearing to resist. "You look nice when you get flustered, you know that?" he said, his tone dripping with affectionate tease. Rody's face, if possible, turned even redder at Deku's comment. He crossed his arms over his chest, feigning annoyance, leaning against the counter, but the corner of his mouth betrayed a hint of a smile. "You're enjoying this way too much," he muttered, refusing to look directly at Deku. Deku chuckled again, clearly relishing in the situation. "Of course I am," he replied without an ounce of shame. "Who wouldn't enjoy seeing your face all red and flustered like this?"

Rody huffed, trying to maintain his annoyed facade. "You're insufferable," he said, but there was no bite in his voice. In fact, it almost sounded like a poor attempt at disguising affection. Deku smirked, unperturbed by Rody's halfhearted insults. He took another step closer, invading Rody's personal space. "You love it," he declared unabashedly, his tone confident and playful. Rody's breath hitched at Deku's proximity, and he stubbornly fixed his gaze on a point somewhere beyond Deku's shoulder. "I absolutely do not," he protested weakly, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness. "Oh really?" Deku teased, his tone oozing with amusement. He leaned in even closer, his lips hovering just a few inches from Rody's ear. "Then why are you blushing so much, hm?" Rody's whole body tensed, a shiver running down his spine. He could feel the warmth of Deku's breath on his ear, and it sent a jolt of electricity through his veins. "Because you're being annoying," he muttered weakly, his voice faltering under the intensity of Deku's close proximity.

"You know," he teased, his voice dripping with a newfound playfulness, "I never realized how much you like staring up at me until now." Deku's eyes widened in surprise, stunned by Rody's sudden change in demeanor. "What-" he began, but before he could continue, Rody leaned in even closer. The new height difference suddenly felt prominent, with Rody towering over Deku, leaving the shorter boy visibly flustered. "So..." Rody continued, enjoying the effect his new confidence was having on Deku. He tilted his head slightly to one side, a sly smile playing on his lips, "Is the view nice from down there?" Deku's face grew redder, his usually confident facade faltering under Rody's flirty banter. He tried to stutter out a response, but nothing coherent came out. Rody, visibly amused by Deku's reaction, took a small step forward, effectively backing Deku up against the kitchen counter. Deku, still flushed and flustered, managed to gather enough of his wits to take a few steps back, creating some much-needed distance between him and Rody. He leaned against the counter, trying (and failing) to look casual and unbothered.

"I..." he began, his voice a bit higher-pitched than usual. He coughed, clearing his throat to regain composure. "You... er... surprised me," he muttered weakly. Rody smirked, clearly enjoying the effect he was having on Deku. He leaned against the counter opposite Deku, mimicking his 'casual' pose. "Sorry," he said, not sounding apologetic at all. "Couldn't help myself. You're just too cute when you're flustered." Deku's face reddened further, the combination of Rody's smirk and the compliment flustering him even more. He opened his mouth to retort, but no words came out. He huffed, his expression a mixture of annoyance and flustered endearment. "You're... unfair," he finally managed to mutter, his eyes darting away from Rody's intense stare. Rody chuckled at Deku's flustered response, enjoying the effect he was having on him. He pushed off the counter he was leaning on, straightening up to his height. "Come on," he said, the flirtatious edge in his voice giving way to a more excited one. "We should get ready to go if we want the whole day at the aquarium before it closes." Deku blinked, clearly needing a moment to get his bearings again after the dizzying effect of Rody's flirtations. "Right," he managed to say, pushing himself away from the counter as well. "The aquarium."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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