Part 10: Our Divided Struggles

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In the Middle of the Ocean.

Madison was,Treading through the Water,Moving from the Left to the Right,Looking Everywhere for Matthew,Still Hoping to find Him Alive and Okay,Or,At Least,A Sign of,What had Happened to Him.

"MATTHEW!!!!!" She shouted Out,as She continued to Look Around Her,Looking for Any Sight of Him,But,All She could see was a Bunch of Ripples in the Water.

"MATTHEW!!!! WHERE ARE YOU?!!!!!!" Madison yelled Out,Attempting to Shout Loud Enough,To,Where Matthew would hear Her.

"Please,Matthew,Please,Come Up,I'm Begging You,Come Back Up,I can't do This without You, I need You," Madison cried.

At the Same Time.

Back on the Plane.

Mark,Ilene and Rick were,Talking about the Falling Out,That,They had with the Kids.

"I can't believe,They just jumped Off the Plane,Those Kids are Crazy," Rick stated.

"I can't believe,That,We pulled a Little Boy into This,And,Now,We can't get Him Out of It," Ilene mentioned.

"It's more than That,Now,He doesn't want to get Out of It,He's Too Deep in It,He thinks,That,He has a Bond with a Giant Lizard Creature Out There,And,He thinks that His Bond with This Creature is Strong,Which was Something,That,We led Him to believe,And,He believes it,Now,A Little Too Much," Mark explained.

"We created a Monster,By filling it's Head with Fantasies and Delusions,And,Now,We have to Clean Up Our Mess,And,Stop that Monster,Before,It hurts Itself," Ilene elucidated.

"Uh,Not to Mention,Your Daughter,Mark,She,Uh,Seems pretty Intent on keeping Herself and Matthew in This," Rick informed.

"I think,That,She is thinking,That,She has escaped Us,And,That,No One is going to Stop Her," Ilene voiced.

"Yeah,Well,That is What She would like to think," Mark whispered.

"Ooh,I think,He's Mad," Rick muttered to Ilene.

"Come On,We have to tell the Pilots,To Turn the Aircraft Around,We're not going to be of Any Use,If We're standing Here talking about It," Mark said,as He stormed Off,Towards the Front of the Aircrafts,To tell the Pilots to turn It Around.

"Is It just Me,Or,Is Some of his Anger turned towards Us?" Rick questioned,Suspiciously,Not wanting to be on Mark's Bad Side.

"It's just You," Ilene retorted,as She walked Off,After Mark.

"Very Funny,Chen!!!!" Rick shouted,as He ran,After Her and Mark,To Help.


Godzilla was,Still,Swimming,Through the Ocean,While,Pushing his Muzzle against Matthew,Which was pushing Matthew Forward,Toward Their Next Stop

As They Swam,Through the Ocean,Matthew continued his Feelings of Confusion,Not getting at All,What Godzilla was doing with Him,At This Point.

Matthew did not get,Why He had just ditched Him,Seeming like He didn't Care about Him,Anymore,Before,Pulling Him Down,Deep into the Ocean,And,Taking Him with Him to an Unknown Location.

Just Then.

Matthew thought to Himself,How was He even still Alive,Right Now? He was Deep Down,In the Ocean,Without Scuba Gear,And,Godzilla's Spikes weren't above Water,So,He would have to be pretty Deep,He should've been Dead,A Normal Person couldn't survive as Deep as He was.

That was When.

Matthew couldn't hold his Breath Anymore,And,He started lose Oxygen.

Matthew tapped his Hand,Onto Godzilla's Nostril,To get his Attention, as He saw Godzilla still,Looking Straight Ahead.

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