Page Thirty-Two

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Mizuki reached her arm back and grabbed onto Ghirahim, making sure he was okay.

Mizuki: You alright?

Ghirahim: I'm fine.

Mizuki: Sorry about that, a wolf startled Xisagi.

After a bit longer on the path Mizuki steered Xisagi to the side.

Mizuki: What all do you think ya need? I probably have most of it in my storage room.

Ghirahim: I'll need a bag before I get anything else.

Mizuki: There is one hanging on the edge of the chair in my study. Storage is under the outdoor stairs, grab whatever you need.

Ghirahim: Aren't you afraid I'm going to take something you don't want me to?

Mizuki: Nah. Basically everything in storage is non valuable items. I'm going down to town, you need anything?

Ghirahim: No, I'm fine.

Mizuki went into town, leaving Ghirahim in her house. He went upstairs to her study to grab the bag and found Mizuki's notes. The notes read...

(I lost my other notes so I'm going to try and write what I can remember.
• 2 more Pony Points for Traveler Saddle and Bridle
3,300? Rupees for Flamebreaker set
• 1,800 Rupees for Stealth set
2,400 Rupees for Radiant set (Lucia wants to check it out)
• 46 Bubbul Gems for Mystic set
2,200? Rupees for Royal Guard Uniform (Lucia wants to check it out)
2,150? Rupees for Snowquill set
1,300 Rupees for Snow Boots
1,950 for the rest of Desert Voe set (Vishnu needs it)
1,200 for Sand Boots (Vishnu needs it)
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The guards in Gerudo Town keep mistaking me for a man when I have my work clothes on... I need to remember to take my hood off so they can see more of my face. The little girls even followed me around, thinking I was a voe.
I got the best idea ever! Cara said that Isha will take special requests! I need to figure out how much it cost, Naoko wants to ask out Elazar... A custom necklace would be a great gift for Elazar. Hell I'd pay for em, those two have been dancing around confessions for years! I had a cute idea for some earrings though... I want them SOOO bad, but I can't afford to be buying everything at once... What if something happens and I can't get more money for a while? I only have so much... Remember not to spend too much Mizuki!
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I had the cutest dream ever, Naoko and Elazar settled down and had the cutest kid! That got me thinking though... If anyone were to propose to me I would hate it, solely because of the ring. I don't wear much jewelry anymore, and rings get caught on my weapons a lot. If they purposed with a pair of earrings or with something more practical then it wouldn't be a problem... But then again I doubt I'm going to get married.

Naoko and Elazar are in love. Vishnu likes Tariku and Kamila but can't choose. Tariku, Kamila and Lucia don't really like anyone like that as far as I'm aware... I wonder if they're all going to settle down and have a family of their own. I know Lucia and Vishnu want kids when they decide to settle down... Tariku has basically adopted Josha... Everyone is settling down and I'm not. I kinda feel left out. Being immortal isn't as fun as everyone says, I knew it wouldn't be...
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So I met this guy today... He reminds me of someone but I can't put my finger on who. He was really pale, white hair, dark eyes, really handsome dude... He teleported me to the ground, a weird but familiar experience for some reason. He said his name was Ghirahim... Sounds WAY too familiar. I want to ask my friends about him, they probably know who he is.
I saw him again, we talked for a bit. Apparently we fought in the war together. I don't understand why my friends would leave that out.
I just came back after running away for a while. I can't believe my friends lied to me... But Ghirahim told me what happened. I wanted to slap him, but I also wanted to apologize for some reason. I guess that is why my friends didn't tell me. The memory gap has really fucked with my head.
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Kamila and Elazar tried to hurt him... I told them what happened, and the two nicest people tried to tear him to shreds.
Been a while since I wrote in here... I've been on the move, trying to avoid him. Today is the only day I'm staying home, at least for now. I think he's trying to manipulate me again...
*Smudged by tear stains*
I d__'t want my _or_d to re__lve a__und him. I _till _a__ him... Why ca__ I ge_ over ___. After e__ryt__ng he h__ done _o me, I __ill can't __t over h__. For _nce I __n't ne__ to be ___imist_c. Why __ I so ___vince__ that __ is goi__ to chang_? Wh_ do I want t_ ki__ him?)

Mizuki: I got some Bomb Flowers from- Stop reading through my stuff nosey! Please tell me you stopped at the third page... The things after that are kinda embarrassing... Especially the last page.

Ghirahim: I just read up to the fourth page, you came in before I could start the fifth.

Mizuki: *Sigh* Whatever, let's go down to storage...

After getting what he needed out of the storage shed they hopped back on Xisagi. Ghirahim closed his eyes and thought about how Mizuki used to be, before he messed everything up. Her eyes always looked so tired until she looked at him. She was a flustered mess but would still gaze longingly at him. She would tease him shamelessly and playfully slap him if he did the same. She would run up behind him and hug his waist after a long day. She would smother him with kisses when she was feeling affectionate. The way she nuzzled into him while they laid together always made her feel safe, or so she said.

Mizuki: Hey, you good? You've been real quiet...

Ghirahim: I was just thinking...

Mizuki: Dazed out while thinking about stuff huh? I do that a lot, sometimes I will accidentally pass my destination because of my thoughts. Luckily we don't really have a set destination, so we can both daze out... Mind telling me what you were thinking about?

Ghirahim: And you called me nosey.

Mizuki: Hey, I gave you a choice. You just snooped through my stuff.

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