The Secret Meet Up

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The electric windows rolled up, lighting up the bedroom indicating a brand new day at the villa. Yesterday had me beat, and sleeping in a big bed all alone was exactly what I needed to get through today- I'm hoping there won't be a challenge today, so there can be another day of relaxing before jumping right into challenges.

"Good morning, villa!" Kaylor's Pennsylvanian accent fills the room, and she earns responses from everyone.

Like clock work, Leah comes over and crawls into bed with me while we share some morning cuddles.

"Do you think theres going to be a challenge today?" She asks while running her fingers though my semi tangled hair.

"I really hope not. I feel like I just need one more day to relax before jumping into all the challenges." I say while letting out a tired laugh.


"Dude, these bombshells are hot as fuck." Kaylor says while throwing her hair up into a ponytail before starting on her makeup.

"Conner's body literally looks like someone painted it." JaNa says, and Liv agrees.

At this point, all the girls were in the makeup room together. Everyone was doing their own thing while making small talk here and there. We learned that Hannah is interested in getting to know Hakeem more, but still sees Kendall as her number one right now.

Today was going to be one of the more hotter days here in Fuji, so I decided on a simple everyday makeup look, but it was still enough to be photographed well and look presentable and put together durning filming today.

"Elena, I didn't mean to step on your toes with the whole Rob thing." Liv says from across the table. I sent her a smile signaling I held nothing against her.

"It's okay, I promise. Theres no bad blood or anything with us, Liv. You felt a connection, and you went after it." I shrugged my shoulders hoping to keep the conversation short and sweet.

"I just wanted to let you know it was nothing against you at all, and I really had no intention of stepping on your toes." I smiled at the Australian girl again, and got up to give her a hug saying she had nothing to apologize for.


"Look, they're going into Soul Ties." JaNa says pointing at Rob and Liv walking up the stairs together. She looked over at me trying to read what I was feeling, and all I could do is let out a long sigh.

"I'm just going with the flow at this point. If what he said last night about me being his one hundred percent is true- great, but if her wants to stay with Liv- so be it. I'm not going to pawn after a guy unless it's going both ways, you know? I'd feel stupid." I look over at JaNa expecting to see a sympathetic look on her face, but I'm instead met with her wide eyes and her hand covering her mouth.

"Wait back up, girl. Rob told said you were his one hundred percent even though he's coupled up with Liv?"

"Yes, we had a whole conversation about it on the beach yesterday."

"So thats where you disappeared to yesterday. I though you had just gone back to sleep." She said laughing.

She was still curious about the conversation between Rob and I, so I nearly walked her through my whole day yesterday. Once I got to the part about Rob saying he wanted to be with me, JaNa began cheering in excitement for me begging to know the rest of the conversation.

Once we had finished our conversation- her and I went into the kitchen to make a smoothie, and while doing so Conner was brought. She was honest with me and told me she liked him, but she had also seen him and I talking.

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