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Mrs huas Pov

It's been three days. Ize is at school right now, and I have to pick her up after. It's been four days since Ize's mom revealed that she's getting married to Mark. It was like Ize just fell apart.

As I worked on my latest painting in my dad's company, the hours seemed to drag on. My mind kept drifting back to Ize, wondering how she was holding up. The vibrant colors on my canvas seemed dull compared to the storm of emotions swirling inside me. I knew Ize needed me now more than ever. Just as I was cleaning my brushes and preparing to leave, Mark walked into the studio. His presence immediately set me on edge. "Mrs. Hua, we need to talk about Ize," he started, his tone too casual for my liking.

I turned to face him, my eyes narrowing. What about her? I asked, keeping my voice steady. I didn't trust him, not one bit. "I know this has been hard on her, but she needs to accept that her mom and I are getting married. It's for the best," he said, stepping closer. I took a step back, keeping my distance. You don't get to decide what's best for Ize. She's been through enough already. She doesn't need you forcing her to accept anything.

Mark's expression hardened. "I'm just trying to help. Ladi and I love each other, and Ize will come around eventually." Help? I scoffed. You think pushing her to accept this is helping? She needs time, and she needs her family to support her, not pressure her. Just then, Ladi walked in, her eyes darting between us. "What's going on here?" she asked, her voice tinged with concern.

Nothing, I said quickly, not wanting to cause a scene. Just a conversation. Ladi's eyes softened as she looked at me. "How's Ize? Is she coming home yet?" I shook my head, feeling the weight of her question. She needs more time, Ladi. She's not ready yet. Ladi sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I just want her to be happy."

And she will be, I said firmly, my protective instincts flaring up. But she needs to do it in her own time, not on anyone else's terms. Mark tried to interject, but I cut him off. You may be marrying Ladi, but you have no right to dictate Ize's feelings. She will come around when she's ready, and not a moment before.

The tension in the room was clear, but I stood my ground. Ize needed someone to stand up for her, to protect her, and I was determined to be that person. No matter what.

I put my coat on and walked out of the painting room. I bought some flowers and headed to pick Ize up from school. When I arrived at the school, I saw Ize standing by the gate, her eyes lighting up as she saw me. I walked over and handed her the flowers. These are for you, I said, smiling softly.

She took the flowers, her fingers brushing against mine. "Thank you, Mrs. Hua," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. "They're beautiful." We walked to my car, and as we got in, Ize reached over and held my hand. The warmth of her touch was comforting. As we drove, I decided to tell her about what happened at work. Ize, I had a conversation with Mark and Ladi today, I began, keeping my voice steady.

Ize's grip on my hand tightened. "What did they say?" she asked, her voice tense. Mark tried to push the idea that you need to accept their marriage, I explained. But I told him that you need time and that you shouldn't be pressured into anything.

Ize looked out the window, her expression conflicted. "I don't know how to feel about all this," she admitted. "It's just... a lot." I understand, I said gently. And it's okay to feel that way. You need to process this in your own time. She turned to me, her eyes searching mine. "Thank you for standing up for me," she whispered I smiled, squeezing her hand. I'll always stand up for you, Ize.

As we arrived at my house, Ize leaned over and kissed me softly on the cheek. "You're amazing, Mrs. Hua," she said, her voice filled with emotion. We got out of the car and walked inside, the tension between us slowly easing. Despite the challenges, we knew we had each other's support, and that made all the difference.

Ize's pov

I debated telling Mrs. Hua about what happened at school Monday between me, Konan, and Nissa. As we watched a movie, I built up the courage. I turned to her slowly and started opening up. Mrs. Hua, there's something I need to tell you, I began, my voice trembling slightly. She paused the movie and gave me her full attention, her eyes filled with concern.

"What is it, Ize?" she asked gently. I took a deep breath. On Monday, I had a really bad day at school. Konan and Nissa were pressing  me all day , we actually got into a big argument. They were really upset over me but My mom  and Mark's decision to get married just made me feel so suffocated, and I just couldn't take it anymore. I lost my temper and said some really hurtful things.

Mrs. Hua reached out and took my hand, her touch reassuring and warm. I felt a surge of comfort and love from her, a connection that we kept "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Ize. It's understandable that you were upset." Tears welled up in my eyes. I just couldn't control my emotions. I felt so angry and confused.

Mrs. Hua nodded, her expression thoughtful. "It's okay to feel those emotions, but it's important to handle them in a way that doesn't hurt others. Next time, try to take a deep breath and explain how you're feeling calmly. It's not easy, but it can help." I wiped my eyes and nodded. I'll try to do better next time.

Mrs. Hua smiled warmly, squeezing my hand gently. "I know you will. You're a strong and kind person, Ize." Feeling a bit better, I decided to invite Konan and Nissa over for dinner. When they arrived, I took a deep breath and apologized. i'm  really sorry for what I said on Monday. I was upset, but that doesn't excuse my behavior.

Konan and Nissa exchanged glances before nodding. "We understand, Ize. We were all really heated. It's okay" Konan said. As we sat down for dinner, I felt a mix of anxiety and relief. Under the table, Mrs. Hua gently squeezed my hand, a silent gesture of support and love. It gave me the strength to continue.

I just want to explain why I was so upset, I began, my voice wavering. It's hard for me to accept Ladi and Mark's decision to get married. It feels like everything is changing too fast, and I don't know how to deal with it. Konan and Nissa listened sympathetically, their expressions softening. "Change can be really tough," Nissa said. "But we're here for you, Ize."

Mrs. Hua's eyes glistened with pride as she looked at me, and I felt a deep sense of gratitude for her presence in my life. The evening ended on a positive note, and I felt a sense of relief. With Mrs. Hua's guidance and the support of my friends, I knew I could navigate through these challenging times.

Konans Pov

After dropping Nissa off at her house, Konan couldn't shake off the nagging thoughts. He decided to talk to Nissa about it in the car. Nissa, have you noticed how close Mrs. Hua and Ize are? It's like they're inseparable. I mean i remember at Ize's birthday and then at school a few days later that Mrs hua is ize's first kiss but it still makes me wonder what's really between them.

Nissa nodded, her eyes widening in agreement. Yeah, I've noticed too. It's kind of strange. I mean, Mrs. Hua's brother was the lead singer of that boy band we were obsessed with, and now it's all about Lucile Hua. Do you think there's something more between them? Konan's mind raced with possibilities. I don't know, but I feel like we need to find out. There might be something they're not telling us. Maybe we can work together to uncover the truth.

Nissa's eyes sparkled with excitement. That sounds like a plan. "But how do we go about it ?"Konan leaned back, thinking it through. You know, maybe we're overthinking this. Mrs. Hua has always been there for Ize, and if they're close, it might just be because they really care about each other. We should support them instead of being suspicious.

Nissa smiled. "You're right. Ize deserves all the support she can get, and if Mrs. Hua is a part of that, then we should be happy for them."

Konan nodded. Yeah, let's keep an eye out, but not to find something wrong. Let's make sure they're both okay and support them however we can. As they drove back, Konan felt a sense of relief. Instead of focusing on doubts, he was determined to be a supportive friend. The thought of being there for Ize and Mrs. Hua made him feel more at ease.

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