Chimera and the Mouse : D

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It was a beautiful day, and Pitou was fully immersed in her spring cleaning routine. This time of year brought her immense joy, especially since Gon and the kids were out for the day. She hummed a cheerful tune, punctuating her melody with playful "Nya" sounds. "Ahhhh~ this is my favorite season! 🥰"

She had already whipped up a delicious full-course meal in anticipation of her family's return.

Pitou was diligently tidying up the living room, feeling a deep sense of tranquility, and she was eager to tackle the bathroom next.

However, something caught her keen feline gaze. Upon closer inspection, she noticed some crumbs scattered on the pristine white carpet. It was peculiar, but she brushed it off without much thought.

Then, she heard a noise coming from the kitchen. "Gon? Sweetheart, are you back already?" she called out, but there was no reply.

As she entered the kitchen, she noticed the fridge door slightly ajar and a jar of mayonnaise lying on the floor.

Just then, a sound finally reached her ears. She slowly bent down underneath the table and saw.....A Mouse!?

The tiny creature was busy munching on some cheese it had pilfered from the fridge.

As soon as it took a bite, their gazes met, and Pitou's anger flared. "A mouse in my home!? You little thief!"

The mouse quickly stuffed its cheeks with cheese, and the chase was on.

To Pitou's surprise, the mouse was incredibly swift, and before he could grab it, it darted through a tiny hole in the wall.

"Great. Just great. I can't believe there's a rodent in my house. This is unacceptable... the cleaning can wait; I need to catch this little pest. 😑"

Just a few minutes earlier, Pitou had set a trap with a tempting piece of cheese dangling at the end. She waited eagerly, her heart racing, until she heard a loud (SNAP!)

"Hehe, gotcha! Now, time to get rid of... WHAT!?" To her shock, the cheese was gone, and the little mouse was perched on the stove, sticking out his tongue at her.

"Why you little... 💢💢💢💢💢💢💢"

And just like that, the chase was back on! Pitou darted after the mischievous critter, finally pouncing and catching him. "Ha! Got you this time!"

But then she noticed the tiny mouse was clutching something in his little paws. Intrigued, she leaned in closer to see what it was.

In a flash, the mouse poked her in the eye and wriggled free from her grip. "YEEOOWW!! Grrrr, you pesky little thing! 💢😡" she exclaimed.

He slipped through a hole once more, but Pitou was determined not to let him escape again. She thrust her arm into the gap, trying to snag him.

The mouse chuckled and slowly nudged the trap toward her hand, and then...

(Smack! 💥) Her fingers got caught in the trap.

"NYAAAAAOOOOW!! 😫" she cried out in pain, her fingers swelling up comically.

Pitou shook her hand wildly, trying to alleviate the throbbing pain. "You sneaky little rodent! I'll make sure you pay for this!" she growled, her eyes narrowing into slits as she rubbed her sore fingers.

Just as she was about to regroup and plot her next move, she heard a faint squeak. She turned her head, and there it was-the little mouse was peeking out from a different hole, this time holding a small piece of string cheese in its paws, grinning mischievously.

Pitou's fury was reaching new heights. "Alright, enough games. It's time for you to meet your match!" She stormed into another room, rummaging through drawers and cupboards until she found what she was looking for-a large mousetrap, custom-built for a much larger prey.

Once Enemies, Now Lovers. Neferpitou X Gon.Where stories live. Discover now