𝟠 | 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝙸 𝙴𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢

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   U.A. High School was a mix of the extraordinary and the mundane. On the surface, it followed the structure of an ordinary school — classes, subjects, and tasks to complete — but beneath that, it was anything but ordinary.
   It brought new challenges, not just in academics but in learning how to navigate a world of Quirks and heroes. The only subject I could truly keep up with was math, where logic and numbers reigned supreme, unaffected by the limitations of my dyslexia.

   English class, however, was a different story. Present Mic's enthusiastic voice filled the room, but the words on the page might as well have been written in a foreign language. No matter how hard I tried, the letters twisted and distorted, turning into meaningless scribbles that my brain refused to decode.
   My Quirk was useless when it came to reading. The frustration of it gnawed at me, but I had learned long ago that there was no use in fighting it. So, instead of struggling through class, I was dismissed to a small, quiet room near Principal Nezu's office. 

   There, I was given simple packets of sentences to copy, and exercises designed to help people with dyslexia improve their reading skills. But even the simplest tasks felt impossible. The letters on the page danced and shifted, refusing to stay still long enough for me to make sense of them.
   My Quirk, which allowed me to analyze body language and predict movements with uncanny accuracy, was of no help when it came to understanding written language. It was as if my brain simply didn't have the wiring for it.

   Despite the frustration, I knew there were other ways to excel. The afternoon brought a class that I had been looking forward to since the moment I was accepted into U.A.: Hero Basic Training.
   The anticipation buzzed in the air as we all gathered in the classroom, eager for what was to come. I found my seat in the third row, with Jiro in front of me, Kirishima to my right, and Midoriya to my left. 

   Behind me, I could hear Sero's excited chatter, his energy infectious as we all waited. The room was filled with excitement and nerves, the tension building as we awaited the arrival of our teacher.
   The door suddenly slammed open, and in strode All Might, larger than life, his presence commanding the attention of every student in the room. His smile was wide and bright, his cape billowing behind him, and his blond hair stood up like rabbit ears, defying gravity in its usual fashion.

   "I have come through the door like normal!!" He declared in that booming voice that everyone recognized. The class erupted in cheers and gasps of excitement. Even I felt a thrill run through me — this was the first time I had seen him in person, the Symbol of Peace himself, standing just a few feet away.
   As All Might pose heroically at the front of the class, my Quirk kicked in automatically, analyzing every detail. His puffed chest, bright smile, the tension in his muscles — it was all there, but something felt off. 

   There was a slight trembling in his form as he knelt to strike his pose, a barely noticeable crack in the confident façade he projected. My Quirk sifted through the information, piecing it together.
   Confident, but laced with tension. A smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. Conclusion: Something's wrong, and he's hiding it. 
I glanced at Midoriya beside me. 

   His face was lit up with pure joy, a wide grin that made it clear how much this moment meant to him. For him, this was a dream come true, and I didn't want to dampen his excitement. But I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to All Might than what met the eye.
   Whatever it was, I decided to keep it to myself for now. "Hero Basic Training! The class that'll put you through all sorts of special training to mold you into heroes!" All Might's voice boomed with enthusiasm, filling the room with an electric energy that had everyone on the edge of their seats. 

With All My Might (!MHA!Bakugo Katsuki x !Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now