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   "Alright, this should do!" Hazel exclaimed with a tired sigh as she set down a heavy box in Y/n's new room. The room was modest yet cozy, with sturdy walls that seemed to hum with the sounds of the bustling city outside.
   The apartment itself was a far cry from their old one — smaller, but somehow it felt more secure as if it had already begun to embrace them as its own. Y/n stood in the middle of the room, taking in the space that would now be hers. 

   Her belongings, still packed away in boxes, seemed to hold the last fragments of her old life. She was grateful for the privacy homeschooling had afforded her over the years. The thought of attending a traditional school, and being surrounded by kids her own age, filled her with a mix of curiosity and anxiety.
   Her mind kept circling back to the upcoming entrance exams for U.A. High School, the pressure of proving herself in a completely foreign environment gnawing at her nerves. She sighed deeply, her thoughts heavy as she turned towards the window. 

   The sight that greeted her was both familiar and alien — Musutafu, Japan, a city that pulsed with life. The streets below were alive with the hustle and bustle of everyday activities. Children played in parks, their laughter carrying on the breeze, while adults went about their routines, completely absorbed in their daily lives.
   It was a snapshot of normalcy, a sharp difference to the life Y/n had led up until now. Her eyes drifted upwards, catching sight of the vibrant signs and billboards that adorned the cityscape. Images of Japan's heroes dominated the skyline, their larger-than-life figures inspiring awe and admiration. 

   These were the people who had shaped society, protectors who stood as symbols of justice and hope. Yet, despite the brilliance of the images, the same familiar frustration welled up inside her.
   The signs and symbols, all written in Japanese, were nothing more than a jumble of distorted lines, curves, and circles to her. The language barrier loomed over her like an insurmountable wall, a constant reminder of her dyslexia and the challenges it presented.

   Y/n's gaze lingered on one particular billboard, a striking image of All Might, Japan's Number One Hero, his iconic smile radiating confidence. For most people, the words beneath the image would have been a source of encouragement, a slogan of hope.
   But for Y/n, they were just unintelligible marks on a page, symbols she could never decipher no matter how hard she tried. She clenched her fists, frustration bubbling up inside her. It wasn't just about the words — everything in this city was new, overwhelming, and completely out of her comfort zone. 

   The thought of navigating this world, where even the simplest things like reading a sign were a challenge, made her feel small and isolated. Hazel, noticing Y/n's tension, walked over and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
   "Hey," she said softly, "I know this is a lot to take in. Moving to a new country, and learning a new language, it's not easy. But you're not alone in this, okay? We'll figure it out together." Y/n nodded, but her gaze remained fixed on the city outside. 

   Y/n's frustration was palpable as she stared up at the towering All Might billboard, the vibrant colors and bold text mocking her in their incomprehensibility.
"I can't even read the signs. How am I supposed to keep up?" She asked, her voice tight with anger and despair.
   The words came out harsher than she intended, but she couldn't help it. The thought of facing the U.A. entrance exams, of being expected to succeed where others might breeze through, was daunting in a way that made her stomach churn. 

   "One of those stupid tests is literally a written test! Or actual tests during classes and homework — how am I supposed to write if I can't even write, Mom?" Her voice cracked slightly, betraying the vulnerability she was trying so hard to keep in check.
   Hazel, who had been standing beside her with a patient expression, let out a soft sigh. She understood the weight of Y/n's concerns, the fears that had been simmering beneath the surface since the moment they stepped foot in Japan. 

With All My Might (!MHA!Bakugo Katsuki x !Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now