𝟙𝟘 | 𝙽𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝙶𝚕𝚎𝚎

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   "The Hero Team wins!!" All Might's voice boomed through the arena, his enthusiastic declaration echoing through the training facility. Uraraka and Midoriya had done it — they had secured the faux bomb weapon and defeated Iida.
   But their victory hadn't come easily, and not without facing a final, unexpected obstacle: Y/n. Throughout the exercise, Y/n had been an unpredictable force. Initially, she had helped Midoriya fend off Bakugo, seemingly aligning herself with the hero team. 

   But as All Might's voice crackled through their earpieces, the reality of her role became clear. "You must take down Blade to fully secure your victory! She may have helped you with Bakugo, but only for one reason — to take the weapon for herself!"
   All Might's words rang with urgency, and it was clear that Y/n had been designated as the Anti-Villain of the test. Her mission: to secure the weapon for her own reasons, independent of either team.

   Midoriya's mind raced, aware that their victory now hinged on stopping Y/n. She was efficient, formidable, and incredibly difficult to predict. He had seen firsthand how quickly she could react — Uraraka had tried to make Y/n float with her Quirk, but Y/n had seen through the attempt immediately.
   With a swift sidestep, she dodged Uraraka's move, countering by sweeping Uraraka's legs out from under her, sending her to the ground. Y/n then turned her attention to Midoriya, her sharp gaze assessing him.

   Midoriya held back, analyzing her movements, trying to understand her Quirk. Y/n was skilled, not just physically but mentally — she could read situations and opponents with unnerving accuracy.
   She knew he was trying to figure her out, to find a way to take her down. But time was running out, and Uraraka, though temporarily downed, was far from out of the fight. Catching a glimpse of Uraraka out of the corner of his eye, Midoriya saw her positioning herself behind Y/n. 

   He realized that this was their chance, but they needed to be clever. Uraraka would need to get close enough to catch Y/n off guard, and he would have to distract her just enough to make it possible.
   But Y/n wasn't so easily fooled. She caught the subtle shift in Midoriya's focus, his gaze flicking to the left where Uraraka was creeping up behind her. Instantly, Y/n spun around, her reflexes razor-sharp, and managed to subdue Uraraka once again, forcing her to the ground. 

   Y/n's victory seemed almost assured. But Midoriya had anticipated this. As Y/n turned her attention back to Uraraka, Midoriya seized the opportunity. He launched himself forward with all the speed he could muster, closing the distance between them in an instant.
   Before Y/n could react, Midoriya was upon her, the capture tape in hand. He moved quickly, wrapping the tape around her arms, effectively neutralizing her. For a split second, Y/n seemed surprised, but then a grin tugged at the corner of her lips. 

   She could see the thought and strategy behind Midoriya's actions — he had used her own strength against her, exploiting the brief moment of distraction to secure his team's victory.
And with that, the hero team won.
   As Y/n stood there, bound by the capture tape, she couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. Midoriya had succeeded not through brute force or raw power, but by thinking it through, by being clever and strategic.

   It was different from Bakugo's impulsiveness, and in a way, Y/n was glad to have this role in the lesson. As the dust settled and the echoes of the training battle faded, All Might approached Bakugo, who stood rooted in place, still processing the outcome.
   His usual fiery energy was replaced with a stunned silence, his mind reeling from the reality of his defeat. Not only had he lost to Y/n, but Midoriya — Deku, the one he always looked down on — had won. 

   It was a double blow that Bakugo struggled to comprehend. All Might placed a firm but gentle hand on Bakugo's left shoulder, the weight of his presence grounding the volatile student.
"Let's head back, Bakugo. Time for your grading," All Might said, his tone calm yet authoritative.
   Bakugo didn't respond, his expression twisted with disbelief and simmering anger. The humiliation of losing, especially to Deku, was eating away at him, fueling a fire that threatened to consume him.

With All My Might (!MHA!Bakugo Katsuki x !Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now