The bartender's house

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              TW: EMETOPHOBIA

Deliah fell asleep on the journey to Sara's place. All the drinking and throwing up tired her out. Sara looked over at the darling woman next to her and smiled. Was this it, had she finally found the one for her? Everyone else had rejected her, well except for one, but she's married now. 

After what felt like an hour's drive, Sara parked up on her driveway. She didn't want to disturb Deliah yet, so she got out, unlocked the door, and took all the stuff inside the house first. Then Sara went back out to get Deliah, who was still sleeping peacefully. Sara undone her seatbelt and picked her up, trying not to wake or startle her she closed the door quietly and carried her in the house, laying her down on the sofa. Sara tiptoed into the kitchen and grabbed a bucket and a glass of water for Deliah, careful placing them down next to the sleeping angel.

The time was now 1:30 am. Deliah was still peacefully sleeping on the sofa, and Sara was beginning to get tired. However, she didn't want to leave Deliah downstairs alone, so she went to her room and grabbed a pillow, then some blankets from the cupboard in the spare bedroom. She headed back downstairs and gently put one of the blankets over Deliah.

Sara, not wanting to leave her alone in this state, decided she would just sleep on the floor next to her. She got herself as comfortable as she could and tried to get some sleep. It felt like she'd only been asleep for 5 minutes when she heard retching. She bolted up and comforted Deliah again, holding her hair back and gently rubbing her back.

The time was now 6:00am. Deliah panicking after realising the time got herself worked up into a state of hysterics. Sara sat down next to her and slowly pulled her in for a hug, putting her arms around her and whispering calming words. "Darling, it's okay, try to calm down, I've got you okay? Just listen to the beats of my heart." Sara spoke softly and calming to Deliah.

Deliah done exactly that. She fell into Sara's arms and placed her head onto her chest so she could feel and hear the beating of her heart. Sara sat there with Deliah resting on her, stroking her hand to calm her down and help her catch her breath.

After a few minutes, Deliah was finally able to regulate her breathing and calmed down a bit. "I-I have to get to work." Deliah stumbed on her words, her voice still sounding shaken. Sara smiled a little "Darling you're in no fit state for work today. You're going to stay here, with me, and get some rest." She spoke softly, still sensitive to Deliah being panicked.

Sara took out her phone and called Autumn. She knew Deliah worked at the sister nursery, but she didn't have a number for anyone there, so she called Autumn.

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