story 1.1: A Hero Out of Time

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The afternoon at U.A. High School had been typical. The faculty, including Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Midnight, were gathered in the staff room, discussing student progress and upcoming training exercises. The atmosphere was relaxed, with All Might's booming laughter occasionally punctuating the conversation. Principal Nezu was at the head of the table, offering his unique insights on the day's topics. The mood was lighthearted—until the air in the room shimmered, and everything changed.

Without warning, a figure materialized out of thin air. Clad in a military uniform that was battered and worn, the man landed heavily on the floor, rolling into a defensive crouch. His eyes darted wildly around the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings and faces. For him, it was as if he'd been yanked from one world and thrust into another in an instant.

His reaction was instinctive and immediate. He grabbed a nearby chair, flinging it with surprising strength toward Eraserhead. Aizawa dodged the makeshift projectile with ease, his expression quickly shifting from surprise to the calm focus of a pro hero assessing a threat. The man was fast—too fast. He hurled another chair, this time toward Midnight, who sidestepped it just in time.

The stranger moved with the precision of a soldier, honed by countless battles. As he closed the distance, his fist shot out toward Aizawa's head. Aizawa barely avoided the blow, countering with a swift kick aimed at the man's midsection. The soldier anticipated the move, twisting to avoid the attack and retaliating with a powerful strike that caught Aizawa's leg. It was clear that this was no ordinary intruder.

All Might, sensing the rising danger, stepped forward to intervene. But before he could act, the soldier rolled under a nearby table, and under the table he found the gun that came with his. While under the table ------ The room tensed as the man aimed the weapon at All Might legs, his voice a harsh bark. "Who are you? What is this place? Answer me!"

The staff members froze, none of them willing to escalate the situation further. Aizawa raised his hands slowly, signaling to the others to stay back. "This is U.A. High School," he began, his voice calm. "We train heroes here. You're in Japan."

The soldier's eyes narrowed, the confusion and mistrust evident on his face. "U.A.? Japan? I've never heard of such a place training 'heroes.' Don't toy with me! If I hear another lie, I'll shoot."All Might, ever the symbol of peace, took a cautious step forward, trying to defuse the tension. "Young man, we mean you no harm. Please, lower your weapon. We can explain everything."

But the soldier wasn't listening. His focus was entirely on Aizawa, who he had labeled as the least threatening yet most familiar. "You, hobo-looking man—talk! What is going on here?"Aizawa nodded, maintaining his calm demeanor. He explained the basics of the world they lived in—the existence of quirks, the role of heroes, and the nature of U.A. High School. The soldier's expression only grew more bewildered and suspicious."

Quirks? Heroes? What kind of nonsense is this?" he muttered, while this was going on All Might tries to approach, prompting another warning shot. his grip on the gun tightening. "This is the last warning. Come closer, and I will shoot, I want to speak to someone in charge—a government official. Now!"

Aizawa, sensing the gravity of the situation, handed the soldier a phone. The man's eyes flickered with distrust as he demanded Aizawa slide it under the table. He picked up the phone cautiously, dialing the emergency number provided by Aizawa. The call connected, and after a brief, tense exchange, the soldier's face went pale.

"What do you mean it's the year 2430?" His voice wavered, the disbelief clear. "This is May 12th, 2030! You're saying I'm 400 years in the future? How is that possible?"

The voice on the other end of the line, calm and authoritative, tried to explain. "Sir, I know this is difficult to understand, but you're not in 2030 anymore. The current date is May 12th, 2430. Something must have happened that brought you here."

"Stop messing with me!" the soldier shouted, his voice cracking. "This has to be a trick! What happened to my men? Where's my unit?"

The government officer on the line remained composed. "I'm afraid I don't have information on your unit. You need to understand that we're in a completely different time. Can you tell me your name and rank?"

The soldier hesitated before replying, "Major Saksham, United Nations Peacekeeping Force. We were stationed in Africa, holding the line during the Third World War."

There was a brief pause on the other end. "Third World War? Major, there's no record of a Third World War. The last global conflict was the Second World War, which ended in 1945. After that, the world entered an era of relative peace."

Saksham's grip on the phone tightened, his mind racing. "You're saying there's no record of the war? The war that nearly wiped us out? That's impossible!"

"I'm sorry, Major," the officer replied. "I don't know what happened in your time, but in our history, there was no Third World War."

The war hero's frustration turned to anger. His hand shook slightly as he shouted into the phone, demanding answers. But the voices on the other end were firm, confirming the unthinkable reality.

"You're saying I'm 400 years in the future? How is that possible? Stop kidding with me!" His anger flared as he aimed the gun toward All Might's leg who was still trying to approach the table, his patience fraying. Suddenly, in a fit of desperation and disbelief, he fired the gun. The bullet struck All Might in the knee, sending a shockwave of tension through the room. All Might staggered, a pained expression crossing his face as blood began to pool beneath him.

That was the breaking point. Aizawa's binding cloth shot out, aiming to restrain the soldier, while Midnight, who had been waiting for the right moment, released her quirk—a sweet-smelling aroma that filled the air, laced with a powerful sedative.

The soldier's eyes widened in alarm as he felt the effects take hold. His vision blurred, and his body grew heavy. He tried to fight it, but it was a losing battle. "You bastards... you did something to the air... you fuc..." His words slurred, and his grip on the gun loosened as his strength left him. Within moments, he crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

The tension in the room dissipated as the staff moved quickly to secure the soldier and assess All Might's injury. Midnight ensured that the sedative had fully taken effect, while Nezu, always the strategist, began to consider the broader implications of what had just occurred. A man claiming to be from 400 years in the past had appeared in their midst, speaking of wars that didn't exist and displaying an alarming level of combat skill.

As they prepared to transport the unconscious soldier to a secure location for further examination, the faculty exchanged uneasy glances. Who was this man? And what did his sudden appearance mean for their world?

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