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Ramil knew vampires didn't require warmth in order to be comfortable. He's not some kind of undead reptile.

He'd be lying to himself if he said he didn't crave it.

Feeding human blood was something he hasn't craved for a long, long time thanks to years of taming his animal instincts. Usually when he took blood from a human it was a transactional affair, almost clinical - blood in exchange for money, or for a favor.

It had never been direct from the human body.

Ramil couldn't deny the fact that It was overly orgasmic feeding from human body - the struggle, watching the heaving movement of a body squirming beneath him as it fights dual urges to press closer and pull away.

Ramil tilted his head backwards and inhaled. He had also smelt the boy's blood.

Heck he smelt raw, blood everywhere now.


Jet knew what he was doing when he quickly took the boy out of sight. It rarely ended well when a human ventured into the library unattended.

Ramil struggled. He staggered away as his hands crashed into some books throwing a bunch to the floor.

He tried to distract himself with other thoughts. Maybe he had a rough day. Maybe he needed to retire to a coffin or grave. Or since he was a vampire, Ramil guessed that the 'night of the blue moon' was closer.

It could be the stress of performing the ritual was getting to him.

Or maybe...


"P... Who was that, and why was he soaked in blood?"

Ramil opened his eyes. It was a darker shade of crimson. Spider red veins covered his forehead. It was a matter of time before he turned completely feral and dangerous.

"Nobody, you should work about yourself more."

"P are you okay?"

No. Punn not now.

He heard Punn's footsteps as he approached. It would be terrible if Punn saw him in this condition.

With a swift motion, he pulled Punn into a hug, burying his face in the middle of chest. He slightly dug his hand in his hair, keeping him in place.

The boy shuddered for some seconds before sinking into his embrace.

"You've been with me for two weeks, Punn."

"Has it been that long?" he asked casually, trying to hide the strain in his voice.

"If you stay one more day I can't guarantee your life. It's not really about the ritual," Ramil said.

"If you wanted to kill me you would have done that a long time ago."

The fog in Ramil's eyes cleared in a second. He seperated from Punn and stared at him like he had just seen a ghost. "What did you say?"

"P... I know you've killed hundreds of humans-likely thousands, I may not be special, but I do see it in your eyes."

"See what?"

"Everything. I'm not scared P..." Punn continued. He pulled down the sleeves of his shirt revealing his left wrist. "Here feed on me."

"Punn?" Ramil said. His voice was rough, the fading lights in his eyes full of mystery. "I am a vampire."

It had taken him a millennium to become human enough again to want to tame the thirst, but he had spent centuries not to surrender over to bloodlust. He wouldn't want to mess that up now like Ciar did.

Ramil grasped Punn's hand, stronger than he'd been in a long time. There was desperation in his gaze.


"It hurts," he said in a quivering voice. It was a rare reprieve from the bouts of restraint and weakness.

Starvation had long since deadened his instincts, even if the scent of humans and fresh blood had been appealing to begin with.

Now, all he felt was pity. Frustration.

"Just close your eyes, take a deep breath and feed," Punn pleaded.

Ramil's hand tightened around the boy's waist, and for a moment, he refused to meet his gaze. He already knew the effects within it. He shook his head. "No."

"What can I do, to ease the pain?" Punn's voice came strained and rough through gritted teeth. It was more of a plea than a question. "What would you want me to do for you ?"

Ramil stared down at him, and for the first time, Punn stared back, making no attempt to avert his gaze from the deep scars etched into his face. Perhaps the things he saw in his fevered dreams had finally numbed Punn to the sight of him.

Punn slid one hand up the vampire's chest, hoping he won't notice the nervous tremble in his palm. The fabric of his white shirt was a fine, smooth knit, thick enough that Punn is not precisely certain where to rub in order to get a nipple.

Ramil grabbed his wrists, not painfully but implacably, holding him still. He stared at Punn for a long heart beat.

Ramil held his breath. Fluid gathered around his loins. He could no longer decipher what exactly was the cause of his arousal. Death or desire.

"I'm not the man I used to be." His voice was a whisper. Punn hadn't asked about his past, it was no use because a vampire's past was complicated.

"What changed you?"

The question caught Ramil off-guard.

Ramil held Punn's wrists down on either side of him, up near his head, and the weight of his tall, well-muscled body atop Punn's smaller, thinner form would probably be enough to pin him down even without preternatural strength in the mix.

Ramil buried his face against the place just below Punn's jaw, the soft spot at the top of his throat, but doesn't bite right away. The answer that came to mind was equally surprising.

"You," he whispered.

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