Part 6: The plan? Sort of?

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"Alright d, what's the plan?" Mikey broke the silence. They were driving at that moment, during the middle of the night without their brothers to sneak off to MAA and supposedly save some mutants. "Huh? oh yeah.. the plan.." Donnie was reminded. Yet, he didn't necessarily have a plan. He just figured something would come to him at the last minute. He honestly should have planned that better. "Uh yeah d, the plan?" Mikey questioned his brother once again. Did he actually have a plan or what? "I don't actually.. have a plan, per se..." Donnie admitted as he continued to focus on the road. 

"Donnie, I know I'm usually the stupid one, but what the heck! We need a plan d! We can't just go in there dude!" Mikey began to freak out. Maybe this wasn't the brightest idea after all.. I mean what if something went wrong? And how were they going to sneak into the place anyways? It's practically in penetrable and impossible. "Mikey, just calm down ok! Everything is perfectly under control! I know how to get in now, and besides what's the worst that could happen? That old lady will try to beat us up again?" Donnie confidently ranted. "Dude, that lady tried to poison me and lots could happen! You didn't see what it's like there Donnie! I don't think it's smart to just rush in there!" Mikey began to really worry. "Fine if you're so worried then I'll just go in myself!" Donnie gave in.

"Wait no that's dangerous! What if something happens! Fine.. I'll go with you!" Mikey groaned. "Don't worry, we just have to go in.. find those girls.. they'll help us let everyone out and that'll be the end of that!" Donnie reassured both Mikey and himself. But unfortunately it wouldn't be all that easy.


"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOURE DOING?" A cranky voice yelled from outside the pool. It was Brown. She had caught Hart in the pool with Maeve when she was clearly not allowed to. "Uhm... I... uh.. I can explain!" Hart tried to save herself but it was too late. She was already caught. Brown would definitely be reporting this one to headmaster. "Save it for the headmaster Hart! Get out of the pool and leave!" Brown shouted Heartlessly. "But-" "NOW!" She shouted once again. Maeve beginning to break down. "Shh it's ok.." she tried to reassure Maeve but Brown didn't have time for this. "Do you want me to make you leave!" She said as she took out her taser. So Hart hurried along with Maeve. And they got their towels and were escorted. Maeve with tears rolling down her sweet soft face. 

They dried off, Hart got changed into her regular clothes and left with Dr Brown after dropping Maeve off into her room. The girls tried to comfort Maeve as she cried uncontrollably. "It's ok Maeve, it's not your fault!" Asia reassured her as she rubbed the back of her shell. "Yes it is! I made her do it. It's all my fault!" She exclaimed as she face planted into her bed. "I'm sure headmaster will just give her a warning. Don't worry about it." Macie also reassured her. But Maeve just didn't feel good, she felt like a horrible person. But before she could really begin to worry about that, her attention was focused on something else. There was a knock on the door. They weren't expecting anyone. And there was no way Hart was back already.

"Who's going to open it?" Asia mouthed. Vi was just confused as she couldn't hear the knock. "What happened?" She signed to Maeve who explained. "Knock on door, not expecting." She signed back. From outside the door stood Mikey and Donnie, hoping and praying they'd open that door before someone came and found them. "Are you sure they went into this room after?" Mikey whispered. "I found a video online of them years ago, so unless they changed rooms then yes this is their room." Donnie whispered back. But they didn't have to whisper any longer as the door was then opened. Asia was the one who opened the door, and she nervously yet suspiciously stared up at the two other mutant turtles they had never seen before. 

"Can we please come in so we don't get caught?" The purple one asked. Asia shrugged and let them in, the other girls looked very afraid. Compared to them they looked like large strong warriors. They had muscles and had weapons with them, so not doubt they were nervous. Donnie sensed this and decided to immediately explain why they were there. "Sorry we don't mean to startle you guys but we need your help!" Donnie began. "We've come to save you!" Mikey blurted out before Donnie could explain. "Save us?" All 4 questioned at once. "Sorry I know that sounds stupid but we just wanted to give you guys the chance to live a normal life! So we wanted to see if you guys could try and help us let everyone escape." Donnie explained and tried to cover for themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13 ⏰

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