Chapter 3 : After The Accident

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Portia's POV
I stared at all the strange faces looking at me. Who are they? And then I felt a warm embrace from a total stranger .
"Who are you", I asked.
He looked at me with shock on his face .
"Its me, Elon, your childhood friend, ur bestie", he replied with distress showing all over his face.
"I don't know you. Stay away from me you freak", I said
"Sweetheart, how are you?", a strange woman asked.
"Please, how do u know me?", I asked
"I'm ur mom, don't you remember me?", she asked
"Posh, how can u say u don't remember any of them? Do u even recognise me", another strange woman asked
Jeez, Why are they behaving so strange. Who are they and who is Posh? And Why are they starting at me like that?
"Who is this Posh u speak of and why are u calling me Posh? How do u guys know me? I don't know any of you", I said
Then the doctor came in
"How re u feeling?"
"I'm confused Sir. I don't know where I am and who these people are. And the worse thing is that they keep calling me Posh", I replied.
"Well, u're in a hospital and I'm ur doctor. Do u remember ur name?", he continued.
"Well, my name, um.. my name.... I name is ........ Doctor, Why can't I remember my name? I can't remember my name. Why can't I remember my name 😥😥😖😖" I said in fear.
"Calm down, breathe", the doctor said .
"How do u expect me to calm down? Who doesn't know their own name?" I said in anger.
Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain in my head and everywhere started spinning. Before I knew it, I had blacked out.
"She will be okay. Like I explained earlier, the accident did a lot of damage to her brain, resulting to Amnesia. She was even lucky to have survive ", the doctor said
"So what do we do now? How do we help her regain her memory ", Elonis asked.
"That's the thing. In situations like this, u are supposed to allow her regain her memories naturally. Forcing her will worsen her situation. Some people use shock method or try to remind them of random things but I would advise against it. The memories will come back slowly ", the doctor replied.
"How long are we supposed to wait?", Portia's mom asked.
"I can't say exactly. Everyone patient is different. Some take few weeks or months while some take up to five to ten years", the doctor replied.
With that, the doctor left.
Portia was sleeping peacefully with no idea of how worried the others were.
Elonis walked to her and stroked her hair lovingly. He kept apologizing inwardly. He never stopped blaming himself for the accident that happened that day. He would never forget the date, 12th June 2024.
"She will be okay, and all her memories will come back too, so don't worry and don't blame urself for what happened that day ", Portia's mom told Elonis.
"All we all want right now is for Posh to return to the way she was before ", Elonis' mom continued.
Later that day.
Elonis' POV
I felt a sudden movement. I raised my head and I saw a pair of dark brown eyes staring at me. She looks so cute right now.
"FREAK", Portia shouted.
Her shout woke her mom and my mom up. Her dad, Mr Julian Zoe had just left. So her mom, Mrs. Portulaca Zoe rushed out to call him.
He rushed back in with excitement written all over his face.
But Portia's outburst killed his excitement .
"All of you are stressing me out", Portia said
"Well, young lady, we are here cause we care about you. Your dad, ur mom, my mom and I, we are all concerned about ur well being. That's why we're here. So u better behave yourself ", I said
With that, she calmed down.

Portia's POV
FREAK. (Flashes of Images)
It feels like I have been in this kind of situation before with someone scolding me like this freak is doing. If he continues like this, he will die young.
The doctor came in and brought me back to reality
"How are you feeling Portia ",
"I feel better doctor", I replied. Now I know that my name is Portia Zoe, and i know the names of these strangers too. The old man with light skin is apparently my father and the woman with brown hair and dark skin is my mother. The other woman with light skin and black hair is my mom's friend, Elonia Camelot and the freak is her son, Eloni Camelot.
"I'm glad to tell you that Portia is free to go home now. But she will be coming here from time to time for check ups. I'll need someone to collect her drugs from the Pharmacy. Have a nice day", the doctor said and with that he left

I got out of the hospital clothes and wore my clothes. I'm finally leaving this stuffy place. I wonder what my house looks like.  Can't wait to find out.

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