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Drew and I rushed into the hospital that Don later told me he was in .

I asked the front desk , using his name where his room would be located .

She told me and soon we were on the elevator to level 3 .

"Moma why are we here?" Drew asked . I sighed .looking straight ahead .

"Daddy fell so he had to come here." I said .

"Is he gonna be okay?" Drew asked as the elevator opened. I didn't wanna answer til I knew his conditions myself .

"Come on Drew." I said pulling him by his hand as we walked down the hall .

Room 365 was what we were looking for . I looked on the directions on the wall as 344-368 pointed left .

We went left , going down the hall . We finally got to his room . I slightly knocked before going in looking around .

I saw Don , Big T and Lu as August was in the bed with a nurse beside him .

"Hi.." I said .

They waved . I let Drew sit down as I went over to Big T .

"So what happened ?" I asked .

"His ankles got caught In a lot of wires on stage and he started falling down . Hit the floor hard before I could get there." I ran my fingers through my hair .

"The medicine got him sleep now but he should be woke soon. He had a few cuts and bruises , he got stitched up and he should be fine." The nurse said . I nodded.

"Thank you."

"No problem , ill leave you all alone." She said before taking her equipment and leaving .

I went over to August , rubbing his goatee as I pecked his lips . He's gonna be okay , I thought as I started laying beside him .

"Moma is he gonna be okay?" Drew asked again , I nodded.

"He should be Drew." I said .

"Yeah we sure hope so." Lu said .

"Oh hey Lu , sorry I didn't speak I was just--" she cut me off .

"It's okay , I understand. Trying to check on your man." She stated with a smile , I slightly chuckled.

"Well we're bout to go to the cafeteria , you guys want anything." Don asked . I pointed to Drew .

"Get him something because he still haven't ate ." He nodded .

Drew stood up."do they have pizza?" He asked excitedly , starting to walk with them .

"Drew!" I yelled , he came back coming to me . "You don't just go places with people without asking me or your daddy okay?" I said, he nodded .

"Yes ma'am. Can I go with Big T to see if they got some pizza?" He asked innocently . I looked at him.

"Yeah go on but stay with Big T and Don , don't go with anybody else or go far away from them Drew please."

He nodded. "Okay moma, I won't." He gave me a hug before walking out with them .

I heard the door close making me sigh and start rubbing through August hair .

"How it feel to have a child?" Lu asked .

"Stressful but it's one of the best things to experience. I wouldn't trade him for nothing." She nodded, smiling .

It got quiet so I just laid on August , watching the hospital tv as a lifetime movie was on .

I had got comfortable on August's chest and so into the movie I didn't realize he was moving a bit , waking up .

I sat up , looking at him as his eyes fluttered open .

"Hey baby , are you okay?" I asked just as Don , Drew and Big T walked back in .

"Hey dad!" Drew said waving as he bit into a slice of pizza . See he found some .

August sat up a bit so I got off the bed so he would be more comfortable . He looked around the room at everyone .

"Do I know y'all?"



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