Trying to tell the twins apart

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Gwen Stacy (Spider Woman) and her wife Brianna (Scarlet Spider) decided to try something out. The two spider people called their daughters Anamaria (Stinger) and Alley (Veneno) to the living room. In case you've forgotten, Alley is the one who can speak both Spanish and English, something that Anamaria cannot do. This meant that Alley had a stronger bond with Brianna as she too could also speak Spanish whereas as Gwen could not, meaning that she had a stronger emotional bond with Anamaria.

"Yes mom." Anamaria said

"We were hoping to see if we can tell the two of you apart." Gwen said

"I mean we are twins who look exactly the same, not to mention that we have the same electric powers." Alley said

"Yeah, but I'm a little bit older than you." Anamaria said

"Yeah, that's true. But I am hotter than you." Alley said

"What!?" Anamaria asked

"But at the same time, you have the power to turn invisible, whereas I cannot." Alley said

"That's true, you have ultrahigh vampiric tendencies, not to mention the part about the claws and talons." Anamaria said

"Okay you two, that's enough!" Brianna bellowed

"Let's start the test." Gwen said

"This first test is designed to see the difference in how quickly your spider sense reacts. You will be competing against each other." Brianna says

"But our powers are stronger when we are together. Not to mention that when we hold hands, our electric powers get stronger." Anamaria said

"Spider sense, what's that?" Alley asked

"It's just the name of the tingling we feel in the back of our skull when danger is nearby." Anamaria said

It was at this moment when the four of them felt their spider sense go off and turned to see a hexagonal multiverse portal open. Out of this portal walked the Earth-95 Prowler variants of Brianna and Gwen. Joining them were the Prowler variants of Anamaria and Alley who were a lot more mature and grown up than their Earth-65 counterparts.

"Hey, girl." Said Earth-95 Brianna

"Hey twin." Said Earth-65 Brianna

"Hey what's going on here?" asked Earth-95 Gwen

"Just seeing if we can tell our Anamaria and Alley apart." Said Earth-65 Gwen

"That's so cool, Aunt Gwen!" bellowed Earth-95 Alley

"Can we try?" asked Earth-95 Anamaria

"Sure." Said Earth-65 Anamaria

"Prepare to get smoked!" bellowed Earth-65 Alley

"Okay, that's not fair. Earth-95 Anamaria and I do not have spider powers because our parents were not bitten by radioactive spiders." Said Earth-95 Alley

"Wait, what? You don't have spider powers?" Earth-65 Anamaria asked, her eyes wide with surprise.

"No, we're from a universe where our parents didn't get bitten by radioactive spiders," Earth-95 Anamaria explained. "We're just skilled engineers and inventors like our parents."

"That's so cool!" Earth-65 Alley exclaimed. "I've always wondered what it would be like to not have spider powers. Do you have any cool gadgets?"

Earth-95 Anamaria smiled. "Yeah, we have a few tricks up our sleeves. We've developed some advanced technology that helps us fight crime and protect our city."

"Can you show us?" Earth-65 Anamaria asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Sure thing," Earth-95 Anamaria said, pulling out a small device from her pocket. "This is our latest invention - a grappling hook that can shoot out up to 50 feet and pull us up to safety."

"Whoa, that's awesome!" Earth-65 Alley said, impressed.

"I also have a suit that's equipped with advanced sensors and tracking devices," Earth-95 Brianna added. "It helps me track down criminals and stay one step ahead of them."

"I have a similar suit, but mine is more focused on stealth and agility," Earth-95 Gwen said.

The two groups of spider-people chatted excitedly, comparing their powers and gadgets. The Earth-65 twins were fascinated by the Earth-95 variants' tech-savviness, while the Earth-95 variants were impressed by the Earth-65 twins' natural abilities.

After a while, Gwen and Brianna decided to resume the test to see if they could tell the twins apart. The Earth-95 variants agreed to participate, and the four couples stood facing each other.

"Okay, let's start with a simple task," Gwen said. "I want each of you to web-sling to the other side of the room and back. We'll time you and see who's the fastest."

The twins nodded, and with a chorus of "Thwip! Thwip!" they shot out webs and swung across the room. The Earth-65 twins were a blur, their webs shooting out with incredible speed and accuracy. The Earth-95 variants, on the other hand, used their grappling hooks to swing across the room, their movements more deliberate and calculated.

When they finished, Gwen and Brianna checked their timers. "And the winner is... Earth-65 Anamaria!" Gwen exclaimed.

"Yeah, but I was only a second slower," Earth-65 Alley protested.

"And the Earth-95 variants were only a few seconds behind," Brianna added.

The test continued, with the spider-people competing in various challenges, from agility courses to combat simulations. The Earth-65 twins excelled in the physical challenges, while the Earth-95 variants shone in the tech-based tests.

As the day drew to a close, Gwen and Brianna gathered the twins around them. "You know, we didn't expect this test to be so... complicated," Gwen said, laughing.

"Yeah, we thought it would be easy to tell you apart," Brianna added.

"But it's not just about physical differences or powers," Gwen said. "It's about who you are as people. And we're proud to say that all four of you are amazing in your own ways."

The twins grinned, hugging each other tightly. "We may be different, but we're all spider-people at heart," Earth-65 Anamaria said.

"And we're all part of the same spider-family," Earth-95 Gwen added.

As they hugged, the hexagonal portal behind them began to glow. "Time to go," Earth-95 Brianna said, smiling.

The Earth-95 variants said their goodbyes, and with one final "Thwip! Thwip!", they disappeared into the portal, leaving the Earth-65 twins and their moms behind.

As they watched the portal close, Gwen turned to Brianna. "You know, I think we learned something important today."

"What's that?" Brianna asked.

"That family isn't just about blood or powers. It's about the bonds we form with each other, no matter where we come from."

Brianna nodded, smiling. "I couldn't agree more, Gwen. And I think our daughters have learned that too."

The four of them hugged each other tightly, their spider-senses tingling with happiness and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10 ⏰

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