I went by richy and he drove out this black and gold car and an iphone with a gold case to go with it adanna's birthday party was going on so i drove home and gave her the phone she screamed,hugged shariff and opened the other gifts she was happy. Richy called me...
"Meet me by the corner"he said
"KK RICH"i replied
The dj spoke on the mic saying -And now adannas wven bigger suprise from shariff and rebekah-
I came into the street seeing adanna screaming and crying. Shariff and i stepped out the car and she ran snd hugged us. We were laughing and everyone clapped. I ran and in the corner of my eye i saw shariff watching my butt i was running to the dj and i spoke on the mic saying " Hi everyone what a day the time is now 9:23pm could everyone collect there bags and leave at half nine. Reason being tomorrow is brittany's birthday and i will like you guys back here so thank you for you guys support for my crew you guys are staying here so you could go inside bye evryone"
Everyone left and we went inside adanna transfering her things to her new gold phone and brittany there about to turn three tomorrow.
"Guys me and shariff are going upstairs laters" "Byeee"