So first day of school everybody be tripping with me. My friend hayley's exman tarique broke her heart so i fucked him up i went to his house the thug that i am beat him and his little dry down force ripe hoe right in there property and no police touched me cuzz my friends wouldve apeared in a 20/20 vision that no one wouldve noticed messs with one bitch fuck with all the bitches in my squad. So stay humble when it comes to any of us kk ok now. So yeah all the people in school be asking me how hayley beat the policeman how adanna beat the queen of hoes natalia and questions like that and me and adanna be walking away in a straight line ignoring all of them.
So now adanna and i get into class everybody was quiet and turned around for in the opposite way avoiding any eye contact whatsoever with us. In all the akward silence adanna started to laugh like how she always does «Daf is wrong with you" i asked her."Haha is how that boy fall off the chair juss so"she said trying to contain herself. I guess my teacher aint coming so adanna and i sat there on out phones and we be queening doing whatever we doing."Sup bitches!!" We heard with a slam of the door. We looked up and boy oh boy we saw hayley tamara naomi and charnise who was holding britany. I ran hugged all of them so did adanna and grabbed brittany. All of a sudden i heard some ragged ass hoes say"Awwwwww" i spinned around and they shut up immediately."Why you guys always be so fashionably late all the time" adanna said «Cuzz miss wanted to pick up brittany!!" Hayley said angrily while tapping charnise. But she was happy that brittany was here though.
A few minutes later we got seriously bored and walked out of class while everybody making noice . " Yo mister forester" i said to the principal Me and mr forester were cool so i got to do whatever i wanted. " Hey Ashleigh" he said. " Sir we be leaving since i have brittany here but mostly cuzz we be for reals bored" i said. "Go right ahead see you tomorrow Ashleigh and he crew" he shouted as we walked out" We were heading for shariff snd then to my house for the night.