The only thing they saw after those words was a tear drop falling down my face and then me picking up brittany and my purse and running . I went to my second house locked all the doors and called the security guards i parked walked nto the house with noone but me and skyler in it i put skyler to sleep and cried my eyes out. I didnt know what to do my phone rang i hung up and switched it off
Adannas point of view
I called ashleighs phone more than once but she switched it off I left to her house she wasnt there i called shariff he was really angry with angela cuzz the only reason that pic was there was because she hadnt seen him in a long time and she asked him for a pic of him. Right now i wanna know where ash is at.
Me again btw
I put on some music to calm me down it didnt work i was crying more than ever i didnt know what to do at that point i went to the bathroom and took out a pic of myself but really i wasnt that happy god and god only knows what im feeling. I decided to let over charnise and kassia but they couldnt tell anyone a few minutes later they came seing me helpless about life "Becky"they said . I looked up trying to contain myself but when i told the story it was another mental rollercoaster. They started cursing so i got happy. I turned on my phone and there were 357 messages and 43 missed calls from adanna hayley and shariff.I put up an fb (facebook) post saying im ok everyone and im save so noone will be bugging anymore. I went to bed charnise and kassia left and i continued with life until the morning.