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That morning Nick decided to test how fast she could run by running laps around the Glade. So far she had run five laps which told her that she had good stamina. 

Newt and Minho walked up to Zart, Winston and Fry who were watching her run. 

“She lost the bet?” Newt shook his head with a smile, “The first time something she invented didn't work.” 

Zart looked at him confused before realising, “Oh, no. The weed killer worked, she’s doing this for fun.” 

“What are you shuck faces doing? There's supposed to be a gathering!” Alby cut off any conversation as he joined them. 

“We’re watching Nick run laps.” Winston answered, keeping his eyes on Nick. 

Once Alby had watched Nick for a bit he and Minho shared a look, nodding in a silent agreement. 

“Nick!” Alby shouted, making her skid to a stop and look around for him, “Come here!” 

Once she had spotted him she ran over to them, “Yeah?”

“The gathering for your job is starting now.” He informed her as they made their way to the Gathering room, “Just wait outside until we call you in alright?” 


Nick stood outside leaning against the wall as everyone else walked into the Gathering hut. She had no idea how long she would be waiting for so she chose to sit on the floor instead playing with her necklace. 

Ben wasn't allowed in the meeting either but he was sleeping since he didn't have to run for the day. He had eaten breakfast with them but after he had quickly made his way back to his hammock. 

Clint was in the Med-Jack hut doing something since he also wasn't allowed. Only the council members were allowed into the Gathering room unless told differently. 

Inside the Gathering room Alby had silenced everyone as he and Newt stood in front whilst the others were sat. 

“You all know how this works.” Alby spoke, “Stay quiet until it's your turn and when it is, just say how well she did and what you think for her job.” 

“Zart, she was with you first, what do you think?” Newt asked, nodding to signal that he can speak. 

“Nick did an alright job but it was obvious she wasn't enjoying it. Either way I think she should be a Keeper, Keeper of the inventors.” 

A few mumbles of agreements swarmed around the room but silenced once they saw Alby’s glare. 

“She has invented something for every job so far so it's clear to anyone that Nick being an inventor is the right job.” Zart continued, “Plus she’s the first girl here and we need to have a girl's opinion on the council.” 

Alby looked around seeing the others nodding along with what Zart was saying. “Alright all in favour of making Nick the Keeper of inventors stand up.” 

With Alby’s words everyone stood up including Gally which surprised most. Considering they didn't have the best relationship since Nick first came up most of the council assumed he would be against it. 

“Good that. Anything else anyone wants to add on before we bring Nick in?” 

“I think we should make Nick a backup Runner.” Minho blurted out. 

He already knew Alby was on his side because of their silent agreement from earlier but he wasn't sure how anyone else would take it.

“No.” Newt immediately rejected the idea thinking the others would be on his side except everyone else stayed silent. 

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