I swear I'm not jealous.... A Doctor Who Fanfiction Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3 Identical Twins??

Amy's POV

Seagull's cries and Dusty Springfield singing echoed through the courtyard.

"So where are these Dusty Springfield loving monks then"I said as I followed the Doctor who sonic-ing the air.

"I think we're here. This is it", he said in a serious voice. What did he mean this is it? Did he mean to come here and does he know something about what's happening?

"Doctor, what are you talking about? We've never been here before" said Rory in a questioning voice.

" Hmmmm" asked the Doctor probably not paying much attention to us.

"We came here by accident" I prompted him. That man!

" Accident!" bellowed the Doctor, looking at us like we were crazy. "Yes, I know, accident" the Doctor uttered. I didn't quite believe him.

"Owwww!" shouted Rory, making me jump.

"Acid, their pumping acid off this island. That's old stuff. Fresh acid, you would'nt have a finger in a matter of fact voice, not worrying about my poor husband's finger. I checked them, and they didn't look too bad. I kissed them to try and make Rory feel better.

Then the Doctor rushed off into the main building and who know's what.

"INTRUDER ALERT INTRUDER ALERT" an alarm rang out as the Doctor jumped out of the building.

"There are people coming"he informed us. "Well,almost".

"Almost coming" I panicked.

"Almost people" he replied.

I rushed after him as my husband tried to avoid disaster.

" Come on!!!" I bellowed trying to get him to follow.

"I'm telling you if something runs toward you, it's never for a nice reason"he complained. I grabbed him and dragged him toward the Doctor.

We ran into a dark room filled with people in harnesses. They were all wearing orange suits over their clothes.

"What are these harnesses for?" I questioned the Doctor.

"Uhhhh, the almost people?" guessed Rory.

"What are they prisoners, or meditating or what?" I asked, curious and rather scared.

"At the moment they fall into the or what category" answered the confused Doctor.

"HALT AND REMAIN CALM" the speakers rang out.

"Well, we've halted, how we all doing on the calm front?asked the Doctor.

Not at all well I thought.

" Don't move!" a mans voice echoed though the big room.

I looked up and got the fright of my life as I saw  people rushing into the room with big pointy sticks.They were wearing orange uniforms like the people in the harnesses.

"Stay, back Jen."one of them said. "We don't know who they are."

I realised then that he looked familiar and I looked behind me. I saw... him! How could he be there?!

"Who the hell are you?" asked the girl who had jet black hair. I presumed she was Jen.

"Well, I'm the Doctor and this is Amy and Rory and it's all very nice isn't it" replied the Doctor in an optimistic voice.

" Hold up." I interrupted." You're all.. what are you all, like identical twins?"

"This is an Alpha Grade industrial facility and unless you work for the military or Morpoth Jetson, you are in big trouble" a loud bossy voice said from behind us.It was a women in a suit and another man in a similar suit.

"Actually" the Doctor declared, "Your in big trouble". He held up his psychic paper.

"Meteorological Department" she smirked with an unbelieving tone of voice."Since when", she peered up at the Doctor.

"Since you where hit by a solar wave" the Doctor answered in a grave voice.

"Which we survived" the woman interrupted in a cocky voice.

"Just, by the looks of it"the Doctor pointed out. "And there's a bigger one on the way".

"Which we will also survive" the woman asserted, not looking worried at all. "Dicken, scan for bugs"she droned. The man beside her walked towards us.

" Backs against the wall" he demanded. "Now".

"You're not a monastery, you're a factory" stated the Doctor. "22nd century, army owned factory".

"You're army" I said, shocked.

" No love, we're contractors and you're trespassers"  the woman replied, as the man scanned us with his little machine. I felt like a pack of crisps in a Tesco checkout. He scanned the others and stepped back.

"Clear, boss"he said. The woman looked annoyed at this.

"Alright, your ID checks out, so if there's another solar storm, what you gonna do about it?" she questioned in a mocking tone. "Hand out sunblock?"

The Doctor stepped forward to get his psychic paper and laughed.I laughed, unsure of what to do.

"I need to see your critical systems" addressed the Doctor.

"Which one?" the woman asked. The doctor seemed annoyed at this.

"You know which one" he whispered. What did he mean? He seemed rather serious........


Ok , done!!!! I have finally finished this chapter!! I had some of it tucked away, but I finished it! YAY!

I'm really sorry for the late update, but it's tiring work and I got busy. So far the story is a bit boring, but when Rory and Jennifer get closer I can start to make the story more interesting. I might skip some bits of the story that aren't so important,so I can get to the good bits.

May I say I don't own Doctor Who, it characters, or most of the dialogue in this story.I wish I did though.......

Thanks for reading everyone!!!!!

Hugs and Smiles,                          Lauren :) :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2011 ⏰

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