Silent treatment

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Kylie x fem reader

Third person pov

The one thing Kylie hated the most was the silent treatment, she hated it she dosent know if it was the fact that she was getting ignored by her favorite person or just not talking but she didn't know but it made her toss and turn when her girlfriend would do it and y/n knew it too.

Y/n on the other hand would do it on perpouse as a last resort after an argument or if she isn't giving her any attention it was a way for Kylie to know she was upset about something

But today started like any other day it didn't go down hill till they got on set y/n didn't mind when Kylie was off with Malia and Ruby but she did mind when she's trying to have a conversation with her girlfriend and she basically ignores her

So she decided too can do the same.

Y/n pov

We were on set now for two hours and I haven't seen Kylie in those past two hours so so when I saw her I went to give her a hug and she walked passed me but this wasn't the first time this week this is like her fourth time ignoring me and I know she sees me I'm not short short

"Morgan!" I said barging into her trailer "yes? You used my full name so I don't know if I'm in trouble or not?" She said looking up from her phone "you okay?" She asked as I sat down next to her in her couch "Kylie problems?" She asked I nodded in response.

the thing I love about my friendship with Morgan is that there is no boundaries and we know everything about each other so we can talk about anything and everything with it getting awkward there's never a dull moment between us

"She keeps just ignoring me so basically." I started I turned towards her facing her completely "we were fine this morning and I saw and I was going to give her a hug and I don't know say hi as one dose in a relationship and she completely ignores me." I say "and she keeps doing this and I'm glad she's with her friends having fun but don't ignore me I don't ignore you around my friends don't do the same to me."

"Wow that was a lot." She said " are you sure she didn't see you like absolutely sure." "Yes! I'm sure we made eye contact." "Okay okay I'm only saying that because well your... tiny." "Shut up." I said hitting her with a pillow

For reference I am the shortest one in the cast at 5'1 but it's not even that bad tho

"I'm just worried she dosent like me anymore." I said putting my head in Morgan's lap laying down she just laughs "y/n are you crazy she of course she still loves you she's be crazy if she didn't. But maybe you should get her back." She said while playing with me hair

"What do you mean by that Morgs?" "Ignore her back give her the silent treatment you know that will kill her and you know that too."

"Yeah but I feel bad." "Do you think she feels bad for ignoring you?" I sat there for a second before responding "no" I said quietly "exactly so when we go out there you're not gonna acknowledge her existence at all okay?" "Okay thanks morgs." "Ofc y/n." Then there's a knock at the door

"You too have to be on set now." The director said "okay." We said in usion she just looked at us "why dose everyone on this set cuddle so much." She muttered while closing the door we burst out laughing "you ready?" She said while standing up holding her hands out to help me up "no but this will be funny." I say as I take em "come on let's go."

We walk hand in hand as usual until we saw Kylie and Malia in site laughing as per usual I'd normally not care because that her best friend but I just just mad she had time for other people "u good shorty." Morgan asked "yeah let's just get this shit over with." We walk pass them talking and laughing over the most random stuff ever I didn't think she was paying attention so I needed to up my game

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