Ruby x fem reader
Ruby pov
I've liked my sisters best friend forever and not in like a friend way, a crush like she was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen she had long dark brown hair and perfect eyes and the thing I liked about her the most is she never tries to use us and had never treated us differently.
She was the same age as me but my sister is a year older than us we first met when she came over to our house for the first time I was wipped but I could never say anything I didn't know if she was gay also she is my sisters best friend! She would kill me she's told me friends are off limits but I've never liked any of hers but her and it kills me.
I was just sitting in my room when I heard a knock and saw y/n "hey you busy?" For her never "nope not at all come in!" She smiled and closed the door and walked over to my bed and sat across from me. "Watcha doing?" She asked "nothing much just watching tv aren't you suppose to be with my sister rn what happened?" She frowned.
"Your sister has been on the phone with some guy and he invited her out she asked if I wanted to come but I didn't feel like third wheeling, so here I am I hope you don't mind I just didn't feel like driving back." She seriously blew her off for a man? Is she crazy I wished I could spend time with her like her and my sister do.
"No not at all I was bored better then me being alone yk, but you can stay in here till she gets back." She smiled "thanks cutie, soo what are you watching." She asked moving to sit next to me "idk some scary movie we can change it if you want?" "By yourself okay yk I would've came and watched it with you if you asked but no leave it."
"Noted for next time." We watched the movie and half way through she threw a leg on me and kind of side hugged me I put my arms around her and so we were cuddling for the remainder of it when it ended I looked down and she was asleep I mean it was late 11:30ish. I went to go get up to grab an extra throw blanket when she woke up, well sort of.
"Where are you going?" She said half asleep still but holding my hand now not letting go "I was grabbing and extra blanket hun it'll take two seconds" she grounded in response "fine be quick." I sped walk across my room to grab it then came back super quickly and returned.
I layed back down on the bed throwing the blanket on us we got back in our same position "thanks rubs." She said putting her head back on me " of course!" I put on freinds just for some background noise because I was tired but wasn't.
"Hey rubs." She said rolling to her stomach her top half still kinda on me looking into my eyes "mhm?" "I don't want us to be awkward after I say this but I really like when it's just you and me yk." She said kinda playing with necklaces
"I like when it's just us too y/n I always do. I wish we got more time together just us-" "Ruby." She said grabbing may hand "I like like you." She said slience filling the air I was shocked the girl I've like forever is telling me she likes me then I realized me being quiet wasn't a good sign for her when she stared to ramble
"Oh my god that was so stupid of me I'm sorry I shouldn't have said then I'm gonna go-" she said stating to get off of me I pulled her back down and kissed her lips shutting her up she was shocked at first but then quickly started to kiss back.
After a couple seconds I pulled away from her looking at her smiling like a idiot "I'm sorry that I took so long to talk I just didn't know how to shut you up- I'm rambling aren't I?" I said to her mentally face palming my self " a little but you're cute when you are." I cleared my throat "y/n I've liked your for a very long time since I first met you I've liked you so I was just shocked you would ever like me back that's all."
"Why would you be shocked silly? have you seen your self your gorgeous ruby." I smiled at her and she pecked my lips one more time "be my girlfriend." I blurted out "what?" She laughed "I know it's fast but I don't want to wait any longer to date you. How about we got out on a date date this week to make it official official but I really like you so?"
"Hmmm I don't know...." My heart dropped for a second "I'm joking rubs I'd love to be your girlfriend I'm glad finally you asked." "Shut up." I said pulling her back into me more so we were hugging and her head was just about by my neck but still on my chest
"My sisters gonna kill me." I told her "why would she do that?" I sighed "because she told me you were off limits for dating." She rolled her eyes at that "well your sister can cry about it I guess." She said kissing my cheek "besides there won't be much of a difference it's normally me u her and some random guy she's with at the time and we were already touchy so it's fine."
"I guess I really just don't want her mad at me." "Look babes." She started interlocking our hands "I'll deal with her and if she gives you any crap just let me know. Okay?" "Okay." I kissed her lips one more time before she yawned
"Let's go to bed now okay?" "Yeah." She layed back down on me and I played with her hair and we stayed like that for the rest of the night we both went to bed happy that night.

Descendants cast one shots
Non-FictionI write mainly for the ladies but if u have any requests I would be more than happy to write for you!