The Working World

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Determined to leave his past behind, Moheeb sought out a legitimate job. He landed a position as a junior clerk at a small marketing firm. The office was a maze of cubicles and coffee machines, a far cry from the bustling streets he had grown accustomed to. Yet, it offered stability, and for the first time, Moheeb felt a sense of belonging.

However, the corporate world had its own set of challenges. Office politics were a daily hurdle, with colleagues vying for promotions and recognition. Moheeb's diligence and hard work did not go unnoticed, but it also earned him the envy of others. He often found himself at odds with senior employees who saw him as a threat.

The stress of navigating these dynamics began to take a toll on Moheeb. He worked long hours, often staying late into the night to complete projects. His social life dwindled, and the weight of expectations pressed heavily on his shoulders. Depression loomed, a silent companion that he couldn't shake off.

It was during one of these late-night work sessions that he met Lucky.

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