Chapter 1: School days (rewrite)

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Drew's point of view

Early in the morning an alarm rang. A reminder that hell awaits you, or should I just call it school?

„I fucking hate school, just because my dad finaces the school I'm some kind of ‚honor student' and I'm so well liked by the teachers. It fucking sucks.", Drew thought to himself while turning his alarm off. He growned into his bed and proceeded to just lay there, for a few minutes. He might as well mentally prepare himself from the hell awaiting.

Drew sighed deeply, slowly hoisted himself up and picked out his outfit for the day. Can you guess what it was? A black hoodie with grey pants. The usual and probably most comfortable fit in Drew's closet. He walked down the stairs into the kitchen. „Good morning Ann, did you sleep well?", Drew's dad, Nikolai, locked closer at his son, „..I'll take that as a no then. But I made breakfast if you want some mijo"

Drew sat down next to his little sister, Hannah, who seemed to lover her breakfast a lot.. (she was devouring it like it was her last ever meal.) Drew chuckled at the sight of his sister and ate his breakfast with normal table manners. At least he tried to. He poked and poked his breakfast and started to doze off.

Does Jake prefer the music freaks way more than me? I mean, he wouldn't just leave, right?

He often felt weird around Jake, tho he was never able to undestand this ‚weirdness' he felt for Jake. His best friends are Henry, Liam and Jake. He absolutely does not want to lose this. But he's also not doing anything to save it either. It's getting obvious that Jake is staring to prefer the music freaks company way more than theirs... or his to be exact. And don't get him started with Zoey. He knows she's hiding something fishy. He got a feeling that he might even find her cheating at one point. Which would hurt, but not really suprise him...

„Earth to Drew?", his father asked over the kitchen counter.  Drew shot up and looked at his dad confused.

„You might wanna get going..", his father said pointing at the kitchen clock. „¡Ah.. mierda!", Drew exclaimed as he jumped off his chair. He shrieked a bye and grabbed his car keys as he ran out off the door. He slided in his car, put some music on and drove off.

As Drew walked along the school halls he noticed that the door to the music freaks's room was wide open and empty. Drew guessed they weren't having their ‚morning breakfast, productive talk, cause they're so organised'. Who gives a shit at this point. He continued to walk further until he saw Henry and Liam chatting at their lockers.

„Hey guys!", Drew exclaimed walking closer towards Henry and Liam. „Morning Drew!", Henry smiled. Liam looked Drew up and down, „Dude! You look like shit.", Liam laughed, „did you even get sleep?"

Drew didn't laugh at all. But weirdly enough, he somehow loved Henry and Liam's stupid, weird and childish humor.

„Do any of you perhaps know where Jake is?", asked Drew and looked towards the floor. Henry and Liam looked at each other. „..No, we didn't. He doesn't seem to chill with the freaks either", said Henry's with a slightly sad expression. Liam noticed this and patted Henry's shoulder. „Don't worry bros! He might've just overslept or something, like he often does.", Liam said, bringing calmness into the situation. Drew sighed, „Yeah, you're probably right Liam." He walked past Henry and Liam towards his locker to get the books he needed for his first class of the morning. He closed his locker, „Let me know if you do see him."

Henry nodded and waved goodbye and Liam just made a stupid face and stuck out his tounge. Drew chuckled as he continued to walk down to his class.

Fifteen minues have passed already. Drew swore to himself to text Jake after school, if he really wasn't gonna show up today.

Jake didnt't show up at all.

Drew unlocked the door to his house and took his shoes off. He walked upstairs, into his room. Drew floped onto his bed and was really happy to be back home. He pulled his phone out and opened Jake's contact. He typed out a few messages: ‚Hey Jake??'; ‚Why werent you at school today?'; ‚Is everything alright? Did sth happen?'; Have you maybe become sick?' and ‚Jake??'

It's been a while since he send those messages. Jakes wasn't coming online at all, which is very unusual for Jake's chronically online ass. Of course this worried Drew more. Before he could think further he heard the front door open.

„Ann, mi amor, I'm home!", yelled Drew's father, Nikolai, up the stairs. „Hola papá!", he yelled back. Drew wanted to head downstairs, but he decided to wait a bit, since he really didn't want to leave his bed at the moment. He didn't know how he long he was laying there. He then smelled something. Something good. It smelled like... Empanandas. Drew needed to check if he was right, cause he loved his dad's way of making them. He walked into the kitchen to see his dad putting the dinner in the oven. „Hi muchacho! Hope you're hungry for Empanadas. How was school tho?", asked Nikolai, smiling happily. „..boring as fuck. I did get an A+ but Jake wasn't there at all." Before Drew realised what he had said, his father had a huge grin on his face. „Mijo, you really can't live without Jake huh?", laughed Nikolai amused. Drew's cheeks became red.

„Oh. My. God. Dad. No."
„Am I wrong tho?"
„¡Dios mio papá! Stop implying what I think you're implying. I have a girlfriend remember." Drew was annoyed at this point, while his dad seems to love it. „You know I'm just playing with you Ann. I'd never actually mess with you.", Drew's father said while cuping Drew's cheek. „Stwoop dawd. Whart thar fwuck. I swound lwike ass"

Nikolai broke out laughing, „Sorry mijo.."

Drew's father somehow knew more about Drew's feelings, than Drew himself. But he decided to just let it be. „I'll let you know once dinner is ready", said Drew's dad, checking his watch.

„Gracias", Drew said and walked out of the kitchen towards his upstairs bedroom. He hoped Jake maybe answered till now.

Jake's point of view

He caughed.
My god, this is totally his own fault. This idiot got a cold, because he did not listen to Drew at all.

„Geez Jake, where is your jacket?", asked Drew slightly annoyed. „I don't need one. I'm durrable!", Jake said apparently thinking he's immune to coldness. A fatal mistake Sterling. „Jake. Please, you need one. It is a fucking cold ass day.", Drew told Jake while zipping up his own jacket.

„Nuh uh, I don't!", Jake sang
„Yuh uh, you fucking do.", said Drew back. Drew sighed loudly. „This is so gonna get back at you, idiot. I'm telling you."

„Yeah, I agree with Drew, Jakie.", Henry said being snuzzled up in his scarf. Liam laughed in return, „You sure aren't gonna get sick Jakey boo?"

„I am 100% sure guys!", said Jake, very proudly..

He was 100% wrong. Jake is the number one example why it sometimes is very important to listen to your friends. If he only listened to Drew, this probably wouldn't have happened. Karma got him quick, just two days later. He was feeling fine yesterday, guess a cold really can still come, even if you felt fine before. Now Jake Sterling was laying curled up in his bed, with a tissue box on his nightstand. Great Jake, and you didn't even check your phone and left all your friends worrying where you've been. Afer some collective time, he finally checked his notifications and clicked on the lastest on his screen.

Which luckily happened to be Drew.

Welcome back guys!! This is the rewrite of chapter one! Notice how it came from 670 words to 1330 words...? Yeah, that shows alot.

But some words for chapter two. Since it was a texting episode and I don't do these kind of ‚texting layouts' anymore I'm gonna have to rewrite the chapter two completely from scratch :) So this might take longer. Tho I still can't promise time limited uploads, i'll try my best to to be uploading this story as much as I can.
I'm really happy with this outcome and I hope you guys like it too :)) This definitely feels a lot more like me and I'm hoping to have more fun doing this in the future! Welcome back! Or just welcome if you're new here! Enjoy this story and I hope you have the patience to wait for me :)
(And if you ever notice writing mistakes, please let me know so I can change them asap!)
- Elias

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11 ⏰

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