5 Part 1 - An indispensable person

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"Hey, Phi..." Hin tugged at his boyfriend's sleeve and cast a glance at the nearby group of older friends. "Is P'Ken okay? Or did he hit his head so hard that he went crazy?"

The image before them that made everyone turn around with doubtful expressions was of Ken walking in circles, touching his cheeks, his nose, his lips. Everyone, including those who had studied with him since their college years such as Boun and the twins, was concerned about their friend's behavior, who seemed to have gone crazy.

"Maybe we should hit him on the head again? His bump is the size of a lemon. We can't leave him alone."

Phayu and Hin gasped when Ken turned to look at them before approaching Hin and touching his face as he muttered that it was not the same.

"Um, P'Ken, what are you doing?" Hin asked as Ken pulled on both of his cheeks.

Suddenly, Ken tilted his head thirty degrees, widening his eyes, which became larger than those of a dog staring desperately at the storm.

He raised a hand and touched Phayu's face as well.

"What's the matter with you? I am your friend! I've been with you for ten years and all of a sudden you're being all soft on me!" Phayu angrily touched Ken's head, although he still did not understand the strange behavior of the person in front of him.

Ken blinked and let out a resounding sigh, "It's really you with this.

Uncivilized, inferior and ignorant, I can't be wrong." Phayu hit him again and this time people turned to look.

Hin's father ran up to him and asked with a worried look, "Did something happen, son?"

Ken stared at him and raised his hands again.

"Wait! Hey, wait!" Hin ran to stop Ken, who seemed to be going crazy. He dragged Ken and Phayu out of the pavilion to talk, while the other friends, who were watching them, exchanged a nod and followed them outside.

They all found themselves with their arms crossed looking at their foreheads, which were beginning to visibly redden and swell.

"Have you lost your mind, Ken?"

"Calm down...P'Ken is very tense and sees Din in each of us," Hin stroked the arm of Phayu, who was staring at him with squinted eyes.

Ken shook his head and touched his forehead before speaking, "Din came to see me."

Everyone gasped in shock. Although they knew Din was not dead, no one thought he would go to Din so easily.

"How?! When? Where is he now?!" Hin clung to Ken's hands, shaking them vigorously.

"Calm down, Hin. Finish listening to what Ken has to say. I know you are worried about your little brother," Phayu pulled Hin away and spoke to him as he looked at P'Ken's emaciated face.

"No! I'm going to beat the hell out of him instead! That little devil boy smashed my face, you see!" His fingers slid over his nose still bruised from the incident the night before.

"All right, so it was Din. What did he say? Surely he didn't show up just to say he misses you," Prai also asked.

"No. He covered my eyes with a blindfold and tape. He apologized for the other night and begged me to stay away from what he's about to do-I didn't see his face, but his voice and face were not the Din we knew. The face I touched for years is no longer there."

"Is that why you go around touching people's faces? You've really gone crazy. Look at my wife. He's as short as a little dog and has fingers as short as tamarind. You're completely out of your mind for mistaking him for Din."

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