chapter 8: Are you serious? No im Regulus

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Sirius’s eyes were wide with disbelief as he confronted Regulus and James. “What on earth are you doing?” he demanded, his voice tinged with a mix of shock and frustration.

“Snogging,” Regulus replied with his characteristic bluntness.

Sirius’s expression shifted to one of hurt. “My best friend and my brother? Are you serious?”

“No, Sirius,” Regulus said coolly. “I’m Regulus.”

The remark elicited an uncontrollable burst of laughter from James, which did little to ease the tension.

Sirius, visibly upset, demanded, “Why didn’t you say anything earlier?”

Regulus hesitated, searching for the right words. “I didn’t expect this to happen. Besides, you’ve been rather dismissive ever since I mentioned I couldn’t leave.”

Sirius’s face softened, a hint of remorse creeping into his voice. “Regulus, please, you need to leave here.”

Regulus’s gaze flickered between Sirius and James, the weight of the situation settling on him. “I can’t just leave, Sirius.”

“You can,” Sirius insisted. “You’ve packed your clothes and essentials, haven’t you?”

Regulus nodded slowly. “Yes, but—”

“Then don’t go home for Christmas. Withdraw all your money from your account and transfer it to a new one.”

“Are you sure about this?” Regulus asked, a trace of hesitation in his voice.

“Reg, please,” James added gently, his eyes pleading.

Regulus sighed, his resistance crumbling. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

Sirius gave a small, relieved nod. “Oh, and Regulus, please refrain from... well, let’s just say, avoid getting too close with James.”

Regulus smirked slightly. “I don’t think that’ll be a problem. He’s mine now.”

Sirius shook his head with a smile. “Darn it.”

In this moment of revelation and shifting dynamics, the air was thick with new understandings and unspoken possibilities. The bonds between them, though tested, seemed to find new ground as Regulus prepared for the changes ahead.

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