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*Reader P.O.V.*
In spite of all the inflation, I, at 23 years old, can afford an apartment in California. I'm rewatching Supernatural, one of my favorite TV shows. It's so weird how it takes place in 2005. I could never last in 2005, I love having my phone and game consoles. Nothing much was made in the year 2005, besides a flip phone but those are very cute so I can excuse it. But living in the Supernatural verse? I don't think I can last, I mean sure I can hold off a ghost and another monster but it seems like hard work. Makes me very grateful I'm not in a world like that.

That wouldn't be very sigma. Anyways, for once in this hot state, it's finally raining. It's a good time to go outside and enjoy the sprinkling water. Sighing, I turned off my TV, got up from the sofa and got ready to go outside and enjoy the rain.

I put on my shoes to go out, I don't own any rainboots, it just- doesn't really go what I want to wear. Well, I opened the door to hear the loud raining pouring out. I walked outside to enjoy the rain slowly going through my clothes, but- it's kinda raining a bit hard. I did hear some thunder earlier but whatever. Just as I shrugged the weird feeling in my stomach I saw some lightning flashed nearby.

"Woah..", I whispered. I thought about some things like college, rent, friends, and family. 'Wonder how my friends are doing.. I should visit them next week.' I pondered. I tried to get the stress off my mind, thinking about things that would distract me, like a new video game trailer, or a new anime I wanted to watch, or maybe I should do some workouts tomorrow.

I sighed, then I thought about Supernatural and smiled a little. Even after years of the show, its still nice to watch it again and see all the characters. Even if the ending was a little... interesting. I didn't mind, it is what it is. Oh well. I turned around to face my apartment to go back inside.


In a blink of an eye, I was hit by flash of bright light and the sound of lightning. The bright light was gone and I was still standing where I was, in California, but.. it's not raining anymore. My clothes were dry and I looked around to see where I was. Still alive but my apartment was gone? Like it was never built in the first place.

"What the...", I mumbled turning every corner to see nothing but streets and shops. I started to panic, my heart started to race as I became nervous and anxious. 'Oh my god, oh my god...', I started pat myself, consciously looking for my phone, I pat on of my pockets in my jeans and pulled out my phone. I turned it on, it still works! However, it doesn't explain what's happening right now, well, at least I'm still in California, so, I practically know all of my streets. 'Alright, lets go to one of these shops.. let's see.. how about the ones with the TV's in the front..' I thought.

I walked to the shop across the street from me. I went inside, I saw four people looking around inside checking things. I looked at some of the stuff, the phones and tvs. I just realized... that they were the very old versions. There was not one single touch screen phone in this electronic store, it was just flip phone and one of the other screen phones but they weren't what the phones I'm used to seeing. And the tv's were... not flat anymore, now they were boxed shaped. It's like I.. went back in time. Hold on..

I went up to one of the flip phones, because I know my phone will say that I'm in 2024, but I just want to know.. I have a weird strong feeling that.. I don't belong here. I opened the flipphone to see the date, I felt so nervous for some reason. Like I don't want to know but.. I have to. I checked the date... oh my..

It says August 28th, 2005.

What the flip bro.

"Oh my god.. I just went back 19 years back.", I whispered to myself. The someone tapped me on my sholder, it was a worker. "Are you interested in something ma'am?", The worker asked, I stared at them in a bit of shock, then recollect myself as quickly as I could. "Ah- no- just browsing.", I replied pretending to look for some other stuff as the worker left. 'What do I do.. I'm practically stuck, how do I live?
Now I have no job, no place to live, my family..' I thought for a moment, trying to reflect on what's happening, it feels so surreal. I definitely don't belong here. For a second, I felt tears in the corner of my eyes but quickly rubbed it off. I don't want others to see me like this, they'll think I'm crazy. Wait..

I need to fit in.. if I want to survive, I need to fit into this weird timeline I'm in. I looked back at the worker, "Excuse me, I think I'm actually interested in this phone please." The worker smiled and nodded.

After that, I also found a clothing store, I had to go there if I was going to be stuck here. I looked around and realized I was wearing sweats and a baggy shirt, I must've looked homeless at that electronic store. Yikes. Well if I'm in the 2000's, I would have to look the part. So I bought lots of cute clothing that were surprisingly cheap, how cool!

I walked out the stores with my new, old school, filp phone and with bags of new cute clothings. Awesome. That was until my actual phone buzzed, I quickly took it out, it showed a message? 'Who would be texting me at this time?' I thought.

The message read, 'Hello! You may be wondering how you ended up in this place, but don't worry! It will all be okay thanks to me! Your trusty phone! I'm the one that put you here.'

'What the-' I thought, 'This thing put me here?! Who is this? Why did they put me here? Why am I here? How do I get back?'
I put these thoughts into the messages, sending it to the anonymus messenger.

'Woah! One at a time! First of, I'm no god, nor anything at all. As long as you complete these tasks that are given to you, maybe, you can make it back home. Or not!'

"What the hell?", I said angerly, I typed in 'well what the hell do I do to get home??'
'No need to be harsh! First of, there will be a car shop near by the shop, go straight down the street and you'll find it. You will find a car that you will like, don't worry about showing your ID and everything! It will work here. All systems will accept your IDs and any certificate that you may have! After that your next task will be ready.'

"Great, just great." I huffed.

Well time to go to the car shop.

What the flip bro (Supernatural x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now