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*Reader P.O.V.*

We finally arrived at the carnival, it was filled with lot of people. I parked in an available spot, we all got out of the car and went to check out the carnival.

I haven't been to a carnival before, I've been to fairs but I don't think those are the same. But yet I was still almost amazed of the stands and little rides. A small smile formed on my face. I loved going to fair and being on rides, eating the food and drinks. Lowkey, I really don't want to participate in this hunt right now, mainly because this was for Sam and Dean. Not Sam and Dean and me. I don't know, I think it's weird, but that could just be me.

I turned around to see Sam and Dean talking, yeah, I think it's best I sit this investigation out. I turned back to all the fun rides and food stands.

"(Y/N)." I heard Sam call out my name, I went towards them.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you gonna help us out?" He asked me.

I shook my head, "Sorry but no."

"Why not?" Dean asked me, looking a bit confused and a little irritated.

"Cause, this investigation seems more like a two man thing, and I'm pretty sure they don't do three seaters in the office. So, how about you two be the ones to do the questions, while I uh... Look around. Yeah." I nodded my head, that was good.

They both looked at me with a 'are you serious' look. I shrugged.

"Hey, just tell me what you got after you do your thing. I won't go anywhere, I would never leave you two behind." I said with a grin.

Sam sighed, "Fine. Come on Dean."
As they both left, I went towards the all the food stands. Finally, something to spend all this money on.

After like two hours of going on small rides and eating corndogs and snow cones and other stuff. I saw Dean sweeping off trash, I walked up to him.

"Ain't no way, bro became oscar the grouch." I said while chuckling, I saw Dean roll his eyes as soon as he heard the comment.

"Shut up." He huffed, picking the trash more aggressively, "Why couldn't you just come with us?"

"Hey man, I was only supposed to be your ride, I didn't say I would help you with a hunt." I heard him huff again, then saw underneath his jacket was an EMF.
"However, I will help out once you catch what this thing is. Just give me the details, what it is, where you at and I'll be there."

He looked at adamantly, until he nodded, "Okay. Just- keep on the look out for anything suspicious."

"Aye aye captain." I saluted before walking off, I could see him smile a little before going back to his janitor role.

After like 10 minutes or so, I found Sam walking out of the clown maze. I tapped him on the shoulder and waved as he turned to see me.

"I'm about to call Dean about the details, you might wanna stay for this." Sam said, I nodded. He started dialing and waited for Dean to answer. After a few minutes, I can hear Dean's voice on the other side, "Hello?"
"Hey man." Sam said, then he scoffed, "Very funny. Skeleton actually."

I pretended to be a bit shocked but it really wasn't a surprise. I was just ready to get out of here. I didn't listen to their conversation, then I looked to see Sam hang up the phone.

"We're gonna wait for Dean." Sam said, I nodded. I handed him a churro that I didn't eat, I was a bit full. He looked at me then at the churro then back at me.

"I'm not that hungry no more." I said, pushing the churro into Sam's hand.

"Okay then." He said, taking the churro.

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