*Reader's P.O.V.*
I'm back hunting again and it feels nice hunting alone so far. I get through these hunts very quick with my unique sense of smell, so it's not very hard to tell who's a monster. Bobby calls me from time to time, how I'm doing or if I need help. I don't want to make him work harder than he does now so I don't tell him much.
I want to find out more on why I'm here, in this universe. But it feels like unlocking levels, like I can't go on until I do something else, which I want to put my best guess is on the Winchesters. Dang it. Well, they are the main characters, so I guess I can't complain too much.
I also visited Ellen a couple of times, she makes great drinks. She seems pretty curious about me, the whole hunting thing I did must've caused a ruckus in the hunting community. I sometimes wonder if other people know about this or that she told them. I don't mind, I just wanna do my thing and figure out why I'm here.
Once I do, then I'm gonna figure how to get out of here.
*Third-Person P.O.V.*
"Another one bites the dust." Gordon said, raising his glass.
"That's right." Dean said, raising his.
They both drank while Sam sat on the side, who seemed pretty quiet.
Gordon sighed, "Dean", he then laughs, "You gave that big-ass fang one hell of a haircut, my friend. That was beautiful. Absolutely beautful."
"Yep. You okay Sammy?" Dean asked, drinking more.
"Yeah. Fine." Sam replied dryly.
"Yeah lighten up a little Sammy." Gordon said.
Sam looked at him coldly, "He's the only one that gets to call me that."
"Okay. No offense man." Gordon said, "Just celebrating a little- job well done."
"Right." Sam said, "Well, um, decapatations aren't my idea of a good time I guess."
"Oh, come on, man. It's not like it was human. You got to have more fun." Gordon said, dismissing him.
Dean snapped his fingers, "See, that's what I've been trying to tell him. You could learn a thing or two from this guy." Sam looked between the both at them, annoyed. Before he could speak Gordon beat him to it.
"You know, besides what happen with your father. Again, sorry for your loss." Gordon began, "I've heard there was another hunter that finished cases left to right, killing monsters to the point that- they're more aggressive than usual. That well- you might've seen them before."
Sam and Dean looked at him confused for a moment, before Sam realizing who he was talking about. "(Y/N)." Sam said, Gordon seemed to perk up at the name.
"You've met them?" He asked.
Dean nodded, "Yeah we hunted with her a while back. She's pretty good, emphasis on pretty. Why?"
"Well- just curious. I've heard other hunters talking about it, she did a number on almost every monster just in a few months. I guess I'll just have to meet her myself." Gordon said drinking his beer.
Sam and Dean glanced at each other until Sam spoke up, "Look, I'm not gonna bring you guys down. I'm just gonna go back to the motel."
"You sure?" Dean asked.
"Yeah." Sam replied, getting up to leave.
"Sammy," Dean said turning to look back at him, taking out the keys from his pocket , "Remind me to beat that buzzkill out of you later all right?" He threw the keys at Sam who caught them.

What the flip bro (Supernatural x Reader)
Humorreader somehow gets transported to spn verse from 2024 back to 2005. It's traumatic but reader gets a bit used to it despite the different timeline and slang that they use. How will they conquer this journey? I DO NOT OWN SPN!!!!1111!!!