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*Bobby's P.O.V.* (AGAIN)

I thought (Y/N) was kidding about her cleaning hobby but when it turned morning at 6 am I heard cluttering downstairs. I got up from bed quietly thinking someone broke in. When I went through the hallway to the main room I saw her already picking up all the book and putting them in one place. I looked at another corner and saw a hell bunch of cleaning supplies, that's when I knew she wasn't joking yesterday.

"Good morning Bobby! Did you know that there's a nice shop near hear? It had all the stuff I need to clean this place and now I feel more confident than ever that your home will be squecky clean! Isn't that great!", She said in a happy tone.
"Yeah..", I said. 'I think she may have a cleaning disorder..' I thought to myself as I went to the kitchen.

*Back to Reader's P.O.V.*

Wow! I can't believe Bobby let me clean his house! One of my favorite hobbies is cleaning, it may sound strange to others but I love the feeling of being clean, the smell, the space and the overall feeling of cleanliness is just so nice. Anyways, for today I'm starting with the mainroom where all the books are piled up and papers laying everywhere. As I started putting things in a corner and took out a broom, my brain was in motion for my future planning. 'Alright, I think the brothers come in on the end of July, like around the 16th.

Man, bro's house is MESSY. I don't know if I should be happy that I'm gonna be busy or sad that I'm actually gonna be busy doing cleaning. Whatever.

Right now I think season one will be coming to an end in a days. So... for now, just for these days I'll busy myself cleaning Bobby's house for now.', I thought to myself as I swept around the mainroom, gathering all the dust and other dirt around the room into a small pile.

Awesome! I used a dust pan to put the big pile of dust and dirt onto it and dumped into a trash bag near me. Now it's time to mop!

*Back to Bobby's P.O.V.*

During these two days of (Y/N) cleaning almost my enitre damn house. It has never looked same as before, it was now super spacious around the main room, all the books put back into shelves, organized by alphabetical order. The floor swept and mopped, it had a pine scent to it. My kitchen looked like it was never dirty in the first place, all dishes put away and cleaned. Table clean and tidy, all my food in the fridge full of food ingredients and organized. Floor also swept and mopped with the same pine scent.

Hell, even she cleaned my damn front porch, and now my dog was being a bit too comfortable now with all the space. Right now she's cleaning the rooms upstairs, her room included. I've never met someone who loved cleaning this much. I think it may be an actual disorder, but who knows, maybe she loves cleaning that much.

She nap a lot too for some reason. In different places in my house too, her room, the fireplace, and the mainroom. It's gettin' to me too that I would take naps now and she would do the work.
She also cooks for us sometimes and they taste damn good. Although she has quite the apetite, she cooks more food so she can get seconds. She always throws me off guard.

But I'm glad she looks a lot better now, the hunting is off her mind and her bags are gone. She does look young when she's in a better sleep schedule. This cleaning has done a great disraction for her if it meant my precious house being the sacrifice. But I feel a lot better now that it's clean, it feels like how I always remembered it as a kid. She did a damn good job.

*Back to Reader's P.O.V.*

I'm done cleaning two rooms upstairs and my room included! It's already sunset, so it's been about 5 hours of cleaning. Wow time sure does go by fast. I feel so much better than before, this break is pretty awsome. I ate dinner with Bobby just now, he said he was gonna take the night off. Tomorrow, I'm gonna clean his room and the other rooms downstairs. It's not gonna take long. 'So that means today is July 12th, tomorrow 13th, that means three more days until they come. So nervewracking!'

At 9 am, I ate breakfast with Bobby and started cleaning again, his room was pretty messy. Clothes, weapons, shoes everywhere. I started to clean for a bit till' Bobby called me up for lunch. We ate and I went back to cleaning. I finished it and I excitedly showed him his new clean room! He stood there shock before thanking me with a small hug. I then I started cleaning another room full of books. I organized until it was already begining to get dark. We ate dinner and then I wanted to sleep. I took a shower, played on my modern phone till' I was tired.

Today is the 15th. I finally, FINALLY, finished cleaning the whole entire house. I've never felt better than before, I was very proud of the hard work I had done. Everything smelled and looked nice and clean. Although I was very sweaty and dirty myself. Bobby called me up for dinner, I sat with him as he chuckled a little.
"Kid you look like you went through a heck of cleaning. I respect you for that, I mean, my house has never felt more cleaner than ever.", he said, I laughed a little at his comment but appreciated his respect for me.

"Yeah, no problem! I love cleaning so it helped a lot to get stuff off my mind a bit. Thank you for letting me clean your home Bobby", I replied with a smile. He smiled back at me a little. "No need to thank me, it was for your health kid."
We talked a bit before we agreed to sleep off the night. I went to my room and took a shower, and sat on my bed for a while. 'Today is the last day of my break, Bobby may not know but he will tomorrow. Becuase tomorrow is the end of season one.'

Alrighty guys. Time to relish in this beautiful clean home. I never felt so nice and refreshed. Bobby was hanging around the mainroom read a book. While I was strectching my muscles and every fiber in my body, I know that doing yoga can actually help you become more flexible, I always wanted to do that but being in the Marines you had to rely on body strength so I get didn't the time.
I was gonna sit in front of Bobby until I heard a sound of a car engine. I stopped and looked at the front door suspiciously, I walk to the front door as I hear a couple of footstep going to the door. Bobby stood suddenly infront of me and opened the door.

As the door opened, the faces of two familiar actors I've seen on television were now facing in front of me. My eyes were wide as I stood behind Bobby. It was really them.

It was Jensen and Jar-

I mean

Sam and Dean Winchester.

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