Chapter 1- Courage To Die

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- Come on MizuZuuu just come out with me and drown your sorrows. Think about adulting tomorrow or the next day. Its not going anywhere and sometimes you just need take a break from it all and relax.

- Myah you know I hate being in places surrounded by strangers. I hate clubs even more, something bad always happens to me.

- I'll be with you the whole time. Plus it's not that kind of club, you know my tastes i'm not some vanilla cluber ok? Just trust your bestie, put on your best button up and a pair of black slacks and you'll be fine.

- Ugh fine. Just text me the time and address. If i fall into misfortune i swear i will become a poltergeist and haunt you till you die.

- Ooh Kinky. I'll text you the deets babes just don't forget the dress code i mentioned. Love ya byeee!!

- Click-

'Ugh she always does what she wants. She better be glad i love her and owe her my life, otherwise no way in hell would i ever go to a club she's this eager to take me...'

Mizuyuki put his phone down on the coffee table with a sigh. Then he stood up and walked to his room to check his closet to see if he even had anything remotely close to the "dress code" Myah mentioned.

Sigh... "I'm so tired of people, and putting on a facade to appear normal. Aside from Myah i don't think there's a soul alive who knows or understands me anymore..."

Opening up his closet Mizuyuki couldn't help but let out a chuckle at himself. His wardrobe bordered on emo loner. Everything in tones of black, gray, or dark gray. Towards the far end of his closet there was the only white piece of clothing he owned. The dress shirt he wore on Graduation Day a week ago.

He grabbed it and a pair of black Khaki pants. It was the best she was going to get from him at such short notice. Not that he had the funds to go on a shopping spree at the moment anyways. While he wasn't broke he also wasn't well off enough to go buy a new outfit every time he wanted to leave the house. Pulling a gray tank out of a dresser drawer, he threw it onto his bed as well.


Hearing the familiar chime from his phone he walked back into the living room to check the message. As expected it was from Myah but the address and message nearly made his eye bulge out his head.

The address was for a club called Dark Sinners but that wasn't the shocking revolution,it was that it was located in Sleepy Hollow, NY meanwhile he lived in Jackson Heights, Queens, NY. The subway would take almost 2 hours. A car would take nearly an hour, it was 6:45pm and the meeting time was at 9pm.

He dropped his phone immediately and ran to the bathroom to start the shower. Mizuyuki had a semi-OCD habit when it came to hygiene, he was meticulous about his own cleanliness so he began to lather, wash, rinse, repeat immediately.

Thirty minutes later, he emerged from the shower to give himself a once over in the mirror of his bathroom. Most people said he was very effeminate with beautiful features.

Most guys at his college would tease him saying he was just a flat chested woman. Some would even try their hand at trying to date or screw him. However Mizuyuki learned the hard way not to trust a pretty face and a smile.

And while cutting his midnight black hair, that reached well past his shoulders to the middle of his back, would solve a large proportion of his problems it was also like a comfort tool for him as well.

Letting him hide when necessary, plus there was also a long standing tradition that was passed down by the men in his family since coming to the United States 4 generations ago. A symbol to any relative coming from across the sea to find their family the last name Shin accompanied by long black hair would be a dead give away.

Mizuyuki didn't particularly hate his face or appearance but he couldn't deny the trouble it had caused him the last 8 of his 25 years of life. Brushing his hair out with a sigh, he left the bathroom feeling dejected and already having second thoughts about going out at all.

'Seriously nothing good ever happens when I leave the house alone...'

Mizuyuki avoided the subway at all cost when alone for that reason. Not to mention he had been mistaken as a girl, and felt up on multiple occasions, abducted, and nearly sold off before. So his shut-in lifestyle wasn't born out of shyness, more like out of self preservation.

Mizuyuki picked up his phone to check the time and noticed he had 2 missed calls from Myah. He sent her a text to let her know he was about to head out not and catch a cab. As he put the phone on his bed and slid his khaki pants on the phone pinged again.


- No need for a cab! I sent you a car should be there by 7:45pm. I know you are uncomfortable with subways and being in strangers' cars. So I sent Todd to scoop you. I gotchu bestie!! So happy you are coming out with me!! See you soon!! ;-) <3 U!!!

'There she goes doing whatever she wants again...'

Mizuyuki chuckled to himself while putting the rest of his clothes on. This was why he loved Myah and didn't mind going places with her. She really did look out for him down to the smallest details.

Though he loved her, her night time proclivities made it hard to see her as anything more than a best friend. She was a dangerous person in life and in the sack. Something he had witnessed first-hand.

He would always joke with Todd that any man who wanted to be exclusive with her needed to have the courage to die. Otherwise you would never survive a night with her in bed.

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