Chapter - 14 Predators & Prey

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Stephen stood at the foot of the bed, staring down at me. His chest seemed to rise and fall faster the more he stared. With my bath robe wide open, my body was on full display for his pleasure alone. Being under his strong predatorial gaze was nerve-wracking as hell.

The room was dimly lit, it cast more shadows than it illuminated. Shadows played across Stephen's face but his pristine, rock hard body was in clear view. Looking at the hard throbbing dick hidden behind the navy blue pants, made my body squirm all on its own. I drew my knees up trying to hide as much of me as possible but that only incited a growl, then an unreasonable command.

"Spread your legs."

I slowly slid my feet apart at his command.

"Wider." He said, when I stopped just far enough to see him through my knees.

I let out a small groan, then proceeded to spread them further. My legs now in an 'M' shape with my body. I could feel my face heating up.

'This is so EMBARRASSING!! Frikkin Pervert!'

"Wider. Or would you like me to help you with this too? He asked in a condescending tone.

I lay my legs out straight and Spread them as far as they would go. Stephen then took the leather harness out of his pocket and climbed on to the bed in between my legs. His presence in between my legs made me immediately want to close them, without him between them.

The heavy aura he was emitting was so strong and palpable, I involuntarily tried to inch backwards using the cuffs for leverage. He immediately grabbed my left thigh, squeezing in a way that all but screamed, 'I saw that. Nice try, but no.'

"The good news is, since your already hard it should fit pretty snugly from the start. The bad news is, you'll come to regret this decision if you can't be patient." He said as he slid all 4 metal rings down my dick all at once.

The cold metal made my body shiver, but the immediate tightness of each ring was alarming. Stephen began to spread the rings out in order. One at the hilt, two in the middle– about an inch apart, the last one directly under my glands squeezing the head of my dick in a death grip.


Stephen started to buckle the leather straps in as well, and the constriction only increased. It was akin to having my dick in the tight grip of the world's strongest man. I turned my head and bit the inside of my left bicep. The contraption was painful to be sure, so it made no sense why my dick was still rock hard and leaking pre-cum.

Once Stephen was done securing the last band, he sat up completely and admired his work. It was hard not to notice the lustful sadistic grin on his face.

"Ungh! Hngh!"

My dick twitched under his watchful gaze and I never hated my dick more than in that moment. Any movement of my dick was deliciously arousing and painful as hell. I squeezed my eyes shut trying to relax my body as much as possible.


I felt a hot, wet, soft unknown graze over the tip of my dick, then heard a deep moan. Opening my eyes wide, I watched as Stephen repeatedly licked at the pre-cum leaking out my dick.

"Mmmm... you really do look good in leather. Your cock is so pink, do you not even masturbate?" He asked licking and nibbling up the inside of my thigh.

"Haa... Uhh..."

Every move he made near my crotch sent a shudder through me, resulting in my dick twitching even more. I could barely think straight.

"I asked you a question Mizu. Answer me." He said authoritatively.

"Hngh... No, I dont.. Ah! I don't m-masturbate." I bit out, watching him move up my stomach with his teeth and tongue.

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