Sero puts his arm in front of me. I barely notice because I'm looking straight at two villains. One with a magnet that dragged Pixie-bob to them and another lizard-looking one. Midoriya tries to run to her aid but the other two Pussycats stop him. Mandalay sends a message to everyone about the attack.
The Lizard begins to talk about how they're members of the League of Villains, he introduces himself as Spinner and calls his partner Big Sis Mag.
Mandalay tells us to go to camp, I look at Sero, and he looks to a side of the forest. We're on the same page. I hit his chest, slightly, signaling him to move.
Sero shoots a tape into the depths of the forests and flies towards it, he grabs me and pulls me in with him.
IIDA: Sero! Y/N!
Y/N: We'll be right back!
MINETA: Not fair! Everyone's getting a babe except for me!
IIDA: We're leaving, now!
Y/N: Glad to know we're on the same page, Sero.
SERO: (Corrects me) Hanta, (determined) and I won't let my friends fight alone.
Y/N: Right! (Starts running) Let's go!
SERO: (Like 10 steps after) Hey, that gas!
Y/N: (Smiling) Feeling sleepy again?
SERO: (A bit worried) Actually, yeah.
Y/N: (Worried) Wait, really?! I wonder if it's like that...(Approaches her hand to his face) Okay, let me fix it.
He grabs my wrist.
SERO: I...rather not.
Y/N: (Confused, a bit defensive) You rather pass out?! I won't snoop in your head, Hanta, trust me. We have bigger things to worry about!
HANTA: Okay, okay, just make it quick!
Y/N: (Shushes him, rolling her eyes) Yeah, yeah.
I put my hand through his skull and do the same thing I did with Midnight, I force unimaginable amounts of dopamine into his body. I pull my hand out.
Y/N: See? In and out.
HANTA: (A little flustered) Thank you.
Y/N: I don't know what you're hiding, but you better not be a creep!
I do the same thing to my brain, we should be good for an hour.
HANTA: We should follow the gas, it wasn't reaching us when we were outside of the forest.
Y/N: Good idea! Let's go!
I begin to run but realize he's not following me. I look back. He points to his elbow, making me look dumb for trying to get my steps in. He grabs my waist and tapes around the forest, we quickly reach the middle of the gas.
We get a telepath message.
HANTA: Sweet! We can use our quirks against the villains!?
Y/N: I wasn't even thinking about the permission, thank God she reminded us!
HANTA: The gas is thicker here. Are you sure it just makes us sleepy?
Y/N: (Smiling) Our quirks work, so I'm pretty sure it's just like Midnight's scent.
HANTA: You think it's a smoke machine? Or a villain?
Y/N: Realistically I'm going to say it's a villain. Nothing you and I can't take, huh?
Actioni know i know...don't we all wish we had like 4 different quirks and beat ass?? we can't have it all, or can we?! in this universe YOUU!! are the main character, a part of the cast, and YOU don't have a quirk!! still, your wannabe Batman ass makes i...