....im...back (long page and vent)

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Hello again! I'm sorry I haven't been uploading I've been busy... (go to line to skip the vent)
ok so my aunt had to break up with her boyfriend therefore I found out I can never see my therian friend again and bad gets to worse I found out my mom doesn't believe in the Iran's and my dad is an anti-therian...and on top of that I have never had so !such species disphoria..
Therein stuff: I got a tail and mask finally and since I'm at camp I can go and watch the sunset every night and walk around the block freely !

I've also been having memories more often and I think I have a bird like spirit guide! YAYY! Anyway that's everything interesting...

Byeee -ace

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2024 ⏰

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