Unlikely Alliance

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Trigger warning(s): Graphic depictions of gore.

(You get the gist.)

Cherry walked close to Konghou, both of them approaching the others. Tie had been fixed up, and had an eye patch on. He was sitting, and pouting. Wicked soul was taunting him, calling him names. Bowie was nowhere to be found. Cherry sat down next to Banana Split, and they brightly talked to eachother. Konghou on the other hand, went towards Tie.

"I still can't believe she did that to you, Tie."

Strawberry Jam says, her comforting voice calming Tie. Tie sighs, and covers his eye with his hand.

"It's...weird. I almost feel like it's there still."

Tie spoke, a somber mood flooding over the group.

"Tie, can I see your eye for a moment?"

Konghou questioned. She grabbed for the eye patch, and Tie hit her hand out of the way.

"Why should I let you?"

Tie scoffs, crossing his arms. Konghou grabs at the eye patch again, and takes a look at his eye. The gaping hole had small, stringy, black strands of goo, connecting from each side of the wound. Konghou, panicked, let go of the eye patch. Tie angrily smacked her.

"Go bother someone else!"

Tie yells, and Konghou scoffs. Konghou starts whizzing away, waving Cherry Cream Soda over to her. Cherry stands up, and walks towards her. They go behind a building once again, and Banana split suspiciously follows them. She discreetly crouches on the side of the building, and hears them talking about... something. Banana split didn't care that much, and starts hurrying  away.

While walking away, she steps on a stick. She checks it out, and cringes. An odd substance starts covering her foot, as she falls over and starts inching away from the stick. The sludge has covered her entire leg, and starts crawling up her body. She screams for help, to no avail.

"Cherry. I found something when I was talking to Tie."

Konghou, panicked, whispers to Cherry. Cherry listens intently.

"Tie's eye seems to be almost.. rebuilding itself."

Konghou declared. Cherry's eyes widen, as she looks at her hand. Konghou notices, but says nothing.

"I see.. thank you."

Cherry thanks Konghou. They start drifting apart, going their separate ways. Cherry spotted gooey footprints on the ground, and they seemed to be very small. She thought nothing of it, and sat next to a tree. The large, twirling roots twisted into various different patterns, and stuck out of the ground. She scribbled in her notebook, sketching a tree and herself sitting by it.

Konghou had been floating near tie, having a conversation with Strawberry Jam. Konghou sighs, and sits on the ground.

"I don't know what to do anymore. Cherry went rogue, everything's weird, I just- I don't know."

Konghou explained. Strawberry Jam set a hand on her arm.

"It's alright. We'll get through this together- or- er.. hopefully."

Strawberry Jam grinned empathetically. Abruptly, Konghou stood up. She looked around frantically.

"Where's Cherry Cream‽"

Strawberry Jam stood up, looking around with her.

"Why, how come? Is everything okay?..."

Strawberry Jam was worried, and followed Konghou as she left Tie alone.

"I heard someone scream! It sounded like Cherry..."

Konghou slowly trailed off, as she found black footprints in the short grass. She followed them, to find Banana Split looming over Cherry Cream. Stop Sign had seemed to have come to her aid as well. Banana Split was abnormally tall, extra, splintery, limbs had sprouted out of her torso, and cracked her bowl. The same black sludge found on the ground was covering Banana Split, and distorted her face horribly. Her eyes were gone, soulless sockets remaining. Her mouth was dripping with sludge, as she slowly approached Cherry.


Cherry sobbed, covering her head. She was backed into the tree, stuck in one place. Cherry didn't have the heart to kill her. She loved Banana Split, after all.

Konghou, Strawberry Jam, and Stop Sign pulled Cherry away from the tree. Konghou motioned for Cherry to follow her, but she just stood still. She stared at Banana Split, tears falling from her eye.


Strawberry Jam yelled, panicking. Stop Sign looked at Konghou and Strawberry Jam, as they grabbed onto Cherry Cream Soda. Cherry Cream wriggled, as Stop Sign cracked his knuckles.


Cherry shreiks, violently sobbing. Stop Sign stabs Banana Split with a machete he'd pucked up from the shed.


The two hold Cherry back, as she continues to try to pull out of their grasp. Despite her unimaginable strength, she couldn't leave their grip. Stop Sign landed a final blow... and Banana Split fell to the floor. Cherry got out of Konghou's grip, and reached her hand for Banana Split. She was scream-crying at this point, and combatively kicking Strawberry Jam in a futile attempt to exit her grasp. Cherry'd shakily gotten out of Strawberry Jam's grip after she'd released her, and had fallen to her knees in pure anguish. Stop Sign dropped the machete after making sure Banana Split was dead, and immediately ran To Cherry.

"I'm sorry. It had to be do-"


She'd interrupted Stop Sign, and continued wailing. The others just sat there, attempting to comfort her. Eventually, they'd decided it wouldn't work, and left her.

Cherry crawled to Banana Split's limp body, and softly caressed her face. Cherry's diary had been kicked to the side by Banana Split, and the page she was sketching on was smudged and ruined from the liquid. She picked it up, and tossed it to the side. She softly spoke to Banana Split.

"Hey, Banana Split. Remember when you-"

She sniffled.

"-When you used to call me fizzy?"

She laughed, trying to comfort herself. She layed down, looking at the starry sky.

"Yeah, I used to hate it at first. But now I realize."

She curled up in a ball, one hand on Banana Split's face.

"You should always cherish things before they're gone."


"..I love you, Banana Split."


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